BPEG Field Trip to Wild By Nature Forest Sanctuary August 7th

By Joanne Rodgers

Bruce Peninsula Environment Group (BPEG) will visit Wild By Nature Forest Sanctuary in Dyers Bay in lieu of their in-house monthly meeting. On August 7 at 7 p.m. attendees will visit this lovingly restored reforested quarry now teeming with wildlife and fauna. There will be carpools available leaving from Lion’s Head Arena promptly at 6:30 p.m. Address for the sanctuary is 953 Dyers Bay Rd, Miller Lake, ON.

If participants would like to donate a native plant (ideally non-invasive native plants with traditional medicinal uses) for the Nature Sanctuary’s healing garden, it would be greatly appreciated.

For further information, please contact info@bpeg.ca. You can also find more information at https://bpeg.ca/

For information on the services offered by the Nature Sanctuary such as small group forest bathing, mindful movement, guided nature meditation & creative artistry in nature, please visit https://wildbynatureforestsanctuary.ca/