
The Bruce Peninsula Press has been serving the Bruce Peninsula since 1988. It is delivered FREE to every home and business within the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula. Newspapers are sold in stores from Owen Sound to Tobermory and approximately 350 subscribers from across Canada and the U.S. also receive the Press.

The Bruce Peninsula Press is published 20 times a year with 11 of those issues being printed during our “peak season” from May to October.

We pride ourselves on being a small-town local paper, covering local issues and events that impact our community.

  • Marianne Wood, Managing Editor/Publisher
  • John Francis, Publisher Emeritus
  • Trudy Watson, Customer Service/Advertising Sales
  • Tanya Early, Graphic Design
  • Kenneth McFarlane, IT and Web Services
  • Scott McFarlane, Production Manager

Call us at 226-256-2658 or 1-800-794-4480 or fill in the contact form below.


The Bruce Peninsula Press welcomes letters to the editor. Letters are published at the discretion of the editor and/or publisher who reserve the right to edit. 

All letters must abide by the 4 Ls rule: 
-LOCAL – must be directly linked to the Northern Bruce Peninsula, 
-LENGTH – must be less than 750 words, 
-Cannot be LEWD or LIBELOUS. 

All Letters must include the name of the writer. 

Letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Bruce Peninsula Press. 

Contact Form

    Please fill out the following where applicable.

    If you're submitting an obituary for your loved one, please include:

    If you're submitting an opinion or Letter to the Editor, please follow the 4Ls Rule

    1. Local (must be directly linked to the Northern Bruce Peninsula). The Bruce Peninsula Press focuses on issues and concerns of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula specifically. We do not cover regional, provincial or National issues.

    2. Length (must be less than 750 words long).

    3. Cannot be Lewd,

    4. or Libelous.