Letter: We Have A Problem Here and It’s Not Energy Supply


To those people who are arguing to and fro about issues with propane supply on the Bruce Peninsula, who is eligible for and/or justified to be requesting energy for their home, etc: You’ve missed the point here. You’re creating a very dangerous situation, though you may not be able to see it from a macro perspective.

The moment that you allow a corporation or a government body to create an issue or crisis and then pit you against your neighbour, you FAIL. Barking your opinions and dictating to others how you think people should handle their affairs (including the management of their home’s energy requirements) is not appropriate. This applies especially to small communities in which we should have an even greater cohesion than larger cities, in terms of sharing resources and working together.

Whether or not some individuals may be “lying” about their propane supply is irrelevant because someone may feel concerned about their ability to secure said propane and ensure that they get ahead of the curve of the problem. But the real issue here is that the company is not delivering on its service agreements for reasons that are irrelevant. Every paying customer has a right to advocate for themselves and their needs. Your ultimate power as a consumer is in the almighty dollar. All of Avenir’s customers should be leaving them and finding a new supplier (as I’ve done). This is not a monopoly so we are fortunate to have the option to secure an alternate supplier. A corporate acquisition should not be handled in this manner and there are no “second chances” here – this is business.

In these situations, we need to UNITE as a community and go knocking on the doors of these businesses demanding the delivery of service that we’re paying for instead of getting busy pointing fingers at one another. This only divides, alienates, and ultimately creates war. This propane situation is a small example that perfectly illustrates a larger theme at play that is so critical to understand in these tumultuous times – economically and geo-politically.

Furthermore, as a full-time Bruce Peninsula resident, if you’re concerned about securing and maintaining the resources that you need to be safe and comfortable (namely, your home’s energy source), then take measures that don’t leave you vulnerable. Have a back-up energy source. Having a wood stove in one’s home is an excellent way to safeguard in this respect.

But please – I BEG YOU: stop acting like barracudas with one another and remind yourself of the real source of the problem. We’ll never all agree on everything and that’s ok. We can still maintain an environment of mutual respect and peace. These feuds act as a disruptive tidal wave in a very small community and they have catastrophic consequences in the long-term, even if you don’t have the awareness to understand what this means. Leave your ego at the door, wake up, and remember that 99% of people have good intentions and that everyone is trying to make ends meet. 

Now, let’s hold the appropriate parties accountable for their actions.

Viktoria Ether