Happenings at the Lion’s Head Legion Branch 202

Photo: Don Colter (right) presents a cheque from the Lion’s Head Legion Branch 202 to a BPDS student. The funds donated will go towards their trip to Europe in May 2025.

Early Bird Membership Renewal Now Open

Submitted by Sharron Colter 

On Tuesday September 10th the Bruce Peninsula District School (BPDS)received a second donation towards the cost of the May 2025 school trip to Amsterdam. The students will attend the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Holland by the Canadian Military. 

Within our community we have residents who were children in Holland who remember the arrival of the Canadian soldiers who were able to provide food for the very hungry people in Holland. 

The Royal Canadian Legion executive and branch members wish the students a meaningful and educational experience during their trip. The Lion’s Head Legion is able to provide these funds through member donations and the June Yard Sale. Thank you to everyone who helped to provide these funds for this opportunity. 

The Lion’s Head Legion Branch 202 hosted the Ontario Command Zone C-4 Convention on Sunday September 15th at the Rotary Hall in Lion’s Head. A parade of colours/flags from the 12 Legions in Grey and Bruce took part in the parade to the Lion’s Head cenotaph. We will remember them, Lest we forget. 

Thank you to the Lion’s Head Ladies Auxiliary for preparing and serving lunch.

Photo credit: Ross Webb. Photo: The Lion’s Head Legion Branch 202 hosted the Ontario Command Zone C-4 Convention on Sunday September 15th at the Rotary Hall in Lion’s Head. A parade of colours/flags from the 12 Legions in Grey and Bruce took part in the parade to the Lion’s Head cenotaph.

Chris Mawdsley, membership chair has reminded the membership that the “Early Bird Membership Renewal” is open. Membership dues are $50.00 a year if paid by December 31, 2024. Contact Chris by phone at 226-668-4540 or branch202membership@gmail.com. Mail your membership to Lion’s Head Legion, Branch 202, PO Box 302, Lion’s Head, ON N0H 1W0. Cheques can be made out to the “RCL Branch 202”. New members are always welcome.

Darts will begin on Monday September 30 at 1:00 p.m. Bring your own darts. You do not have to be a member. Fee is $3.00 at the door. Darts and cribbage will be held on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. except the first Thursday of the month which is the legion membership meeting at 2:00 p.m. The meeting is usually finished by 3:15 p.m. Attend to find out about the work of your legion in your community. 

There are several community organizations that meet at the legion monthly. There may be a group that you are already a member or a group that you may want to join or attend. The following groups meet at the legion monthly: The S.W.A.N.S., Lion’s Head and Ferndale Lions Club, the Bruce Men’s Shed, Darts and Cribbage and the Old Schoolhouse Seniors Club. Contact Sharron Colter, secretary, at dshcolter@cabletv.on.ca or 519-793-3473 for additional information.