Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula News
Submitted by Rob Hiscott
Rotary exchange student Matthew arrived from Taiwan on September 14th to begin a year of study and cultural experiences here in Canada, hosted by families in Northern Bruce Peninsula, and attending Bruce Peninsula District School! Matthew was met at Toronto Pearson Airport by Rotarians Cathryn and Tom Buckley. Matthew met with members of our Rotary Club over a BBQ and potluck dinner at Rotary Hall on September 17th, and then attended our regular Club meeting that evening. Matthew is now registered and has begun attending classes at Bruce Peninsula District School here in Lion’s Head where he is enrolled in Grade 11 courses.
Rotary exchange students are expected to help their Rotary Clubs with service projects. On September 19th, Matthew completed his first ‘Service Above Self’ project by helping at a community BBQ held by the Rotary Club of Southampton. Matthew will complete his second ‘Service Above Self’ project with local high school students who will be assisting at the Rotary Oktoberfest event on Saturday, September 28th at Rotary Hall in Lion’s Head.
On September 21st, Matthew and several Rotarians had dinner at the annual Tobermory Community Pig Roast, hosted by AND-ROD Construction. In between, Matthew cooked and shared some Taiwanese cuisine (fried rice and soup) with his current hosts Cathryn and Tom Buckley.
At the end of September, Matthew will relocate to the home of Jennifer and Scott Parker who will host him through his fall term of school – Jennifer and Scott have generously hosted Rotary exchange students in the past, and their own daughter was a Rotary exchange student to Thailand.
We are still seeking one more host family for Matthew’s time in Canada, and if you would like more information on hosting Matthew for a term, please contact Rotarian Cathryn Buckley by e-mail (cathryn.buckley@yahoo.ca) or by phone (519-596-8188).
More photos of Matthew’s arrival and introduction to Northern Bruce Peninsula can be found in a photo album on our Rotary Club website: https://rotarynbp.org/photoalbums/rotary-exchange-student/
Trivia Nights at Rotary Hall
Over 30 participants came out for a fun, spirited Trivia Night at Rotary Hall on Friday, September 20th, hosted by Caeli Mazara and Eric Perez. A total of seven teams competed for top place with rounds for general trivia (both open-ended and multiple choice questions), music (with songs and singers from the 50s to present day), and a picture round, with the highest-scoring winning team at the end of the evening being the Couch Bleepers!
The next Trivia Night at Rotary Hall will be a Halloween-themed event, to be held on Friday, October 25th with your hosts Caeli Mazara and Eric Perez. Once again, the event will run from 7:30 to 9:30 PM, with doors opening at 7:00 PM, and there will be a $5.00 entry fee. Rotarians will tend bar, and snacks will be available for purchase. Everyone is encouraged to come in costume, and there will be a prize for the best costume of the evening! Come out and test your trivia knowledge and have some fun at the coming Halloween-themed Trivia Night!