Tobermory Legion Hosts Sunday Breakfast February 16th


Tobermory Legion Branch 290 News

Submitted by Christine Chisholm

Kudos to Dan Mackey, Kyle Mackey, Maarten Taal and Peri Papadopolous on qualifying for the Provincial Team Darts Tournament. It will be held on March 3rd in Oshawa. Adding to that accomplishment, Dan & Kyle qualified for team doubles! Good Luck boys! 

Just a reminder, darts are played every Thursday at 3 p.m. All welcome. 

Come out for a night of fun at Trivia on February 14th and bring your valentine, or anyone else for that matter. All proceeds go to charity, but you still can have bragging rights!

I attended the culinary delights offered at the Legion Breakfast On January 19th and it was lovely! Thanks to all who organized and did the cooking and serving. We felt very spoiled!

The next breakfast will be held February 16th, so come out and don’t miss a delicious meal. You will not leave hungry.

 The Meat Draw is held every Saturday at 4:30 p.m., but come early and socialize with your friends or make new ones!

Check out the legion sign for the next Euchre in February.

Just a reminder, you can contribute to the Legion or Auxiliary at any time and your funds will always go to worthwhile community projects. And, if your charitable organization can use assistance, put your request in writing and send it to the branch.

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm for the next few days and to be optimistic as the sun is on its way back now!