Submitted by Beige McIntosh, Food Security Coordinator, The Meeting Place Tobermory
The Meeting Place Tobermory is excited to announce we will be running a Community Learning Garden Program this season!
We are seeking a small group of dedicated participants who can commit to attending weekly instruction sessions (3 hours in length) where we will build, plant and tend the gardens.
Each participant will be given their own plot where they can choose what they grow. We will provide soil, seeds, tools, instruction and started plants. This program runs May-October and there is no cost to take part.
We are welcoming people into the program who either don’t have access to a garden, would like to learn about sustenance gardening or have financial barriers to starting a garden.
Volunteers to build the garden are most welcome!
The goal of this program is to work together from start (building a garden) to finish (harvest and wrap up) so that the participants have gardening skills for years to come. Since it will be such a small group, we want to emphasise we are looking for people who can commit fully to helping build the garden and show up for most of the instructional time.
If you would like to participate please email Beige at