Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula News
Submitted by Rob Hiscott
We held our first two Sunday Coffee Social for 2025 at Rotary Hall on January 19th and 26th (with a third scheduled for February 2nd), and we thank everyone who came out to these events! The weather outside was miserable (both dates), but those who came in from the cold warmed up over hot beverages and snacks (served by Rotarian host Dan Bryans) and enjoyed friendly conversations with Rotarians and others from the community at Rotary Hall.
Our Sunday Coffee Socials of 2025 also feature delicious home-made soup with garlic toast – navy bean soup & ham the first week, and potato & ham the second week, prepared by Rotarian Cathryn Buckley – hot soups are a new menu addition for some of this season’s Sunday events!
Coffee Socials will be held each Sunday throughout the winter months into March, including two more Sundays in February (February 9th and 23rd) from 10 AM to 2 PM each date. Hope to see you at our Sunday Coffee Socials!
Harbourside Inside Concert
A wonderful community concert featuring local musicians was held on Sunday, January 19th at Rotary Hall which was well-attended by an appreciative audience despite the poor weather.
Local musicians performing that afternoon included Dominik Franken (host and organizer), Rod Layman, Stuart Burgess, Janet Whittington, Robert Franklin and Dan Corcoran, with sound provided by John Fenton. Rotarians Sue Kolundzic and Rob Hiscott tended bar during the musical event.
Harbourside Inside is expected to continue at Rotary Hall with monthly concerts through April, before returning to Harbourside concerts in the spring held next to Lion’s Head beach and marina. The next scheduled Harbourside Inside event will be an Open Mic concert to be held Sunday, February 23rd, beginning at 3:00 PM at Rotary Hall. Hope to see you there!