Submitted by Gerry Tilmans
Three of our members were the guest speakers at January’s Men’s breakfast. Owen Glendon, Michael Latimer and Ross Cochrane gave an overview of how Men’s Sheds in Canada now exceeds 200 locations, and in Ontario has grown from 7 to over 20 in just the last two years. Our group added almost 20 new members in the last few months. We are looking to expand our ability to assist men’s mental and physical health, stay tuned.
We received a flurry (pun intended) of orders for planters during the January snows for the Golden Dawn fundraiser, and deliveries have started for those who would like them now rather than the spring. We have examples placed at Hellyer’s Foodland, Golden Dawn, Wilson’s Home Hardware, Miller Lake RONA, Wiarton Home Hardware, and the Friendship Club, thank you to each. Place your orders now for spring delivery!
We made a road trip to Owen Sound’s Sydenham Campus, home to the Grey Bruce Makers. We were given an excellent tour of the campus by Executive Director Dan Herrick. Anyone can join or pay a monthly fee to gain access to their woodworking, welding, 3D printing and laser engraving/cutting shops. They are coupled with the Business Enterprise Centre and together can help you design, patent and manufacture to your heart’s content. Some of our members have signed up for the training programs on the Raspberry Pi Pico, and CNC operations.
We accepted an invitation from Bruce Peninsula Sportsmen’s Association to be part of their annual Family Day Open House. We will set up in the fish hatchery building, and bring with us wooden toys, bird houses and feeders that the kids can assemble and take home. I hesitate to call it “hammer time” but that is exactly what it is.

On February 19th a group of us will bring more bird house kits to Golden Dawn for the residents to nail together. I’d heard that one of the residents, Sebastion Mettler, did not want to put the hammer down after his house was assembled. His wife Anne told me that he always was building something with a hammer in his hand, and it made him feel so much joy. It’s hearing stories like that that really underlines how happy we are to bring joy to those folks!
Every Monday morning we meet for coffee 9am-11am, and our monthly meetings are the third Saturday morning of the month, same time. You don’t need to be a member to drop in for coffee. Both are held at Canadian Legion Branch 202 on Highway 6 just north of Ferndale. Doors open at 8:45 all are welcome.
If you would like further information on how to get involved with the Men’s Shed movement, please contact us at brucemensshed@gmail.com or call Gerry at (519) 793–3005. There are no membership fees.
“Somewhere to Go. Something to Do. Someone to Talk to”.