Conservation Club Celebrates Family Day at Open House February 17th

Photo Courtesy of Kat McCulloch, Stu Paterson. Photo: A fish hatchery tour at a previous BPSA Family Day celebration.
Submitted by Stu Paterson, Paterson Media, for the BPSA 

This is your invitation to join Bruce Peninsula Sportsmen’s Association (BPSA) volunteers at our 2025 Family Day open house.

We have a true family friendly schedule of events lined up for this special day Monday February 17, 2025 from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

Bring the kids! Bring friends. We hope we all have fun and learn about conservation.

On the BPSA Family Day schedule:

• FISH HATCHERY tours: check out our thousands of rainbow and brown trout fingerlings – since the sixties, our volunteers have raised and stocked more than 4,000,000 fish to benefit our recreational fishery.

• ARCHERY: weather permitting our BPSA Archery team will give visitors young and old tips on one of North America’s fastest growing sports. Learn about our youth and adult BPSA Archery Program.

• SHOOTING SPORTS: View our “safety first” firing range and firearms displays.

• Learn about our BPSA Ladies shooting program and our Youth Firearms Safety training program.

• Learn about our BPSA Boot Scrubber invasive species awareness program.

• Bruce Peninsula Men’s Shed will exhibit “Do It Yourself” youth wood projects.

• cook your own hot dog on an open fire and enjoy refreshments.

BPSA President Carl Jones says “our annual Family Day event gives our community a chance to check out our programs.” He says “this day helps us introduce youngsters to the joys of traditional outdoors recreational pursuits such as fishing and hunting. And it leads to good conversations about the community conservation work started by our club’s founders more than 60 years ago.”

The BRUCE PENINSULA SPORTSMEN’S ASSOCIATION was established in 1962 to preserve and protect fish and wildlife. Member volunteers, male and female, young and old, have stocked over 4-million sports fish in Grey-Bruce waters.

We have planted trees and completed stream rehabilitation projects to help improve the survival rate of fish we stock. The BPSA hatchery, with an incubation system and improved aeration system with spring-fed water, can handle 200,000 eggs per year. Rainbow and brown trout are raised in our facility. Our BPSA fish hatchery has the longest operating volunteer run stocking program in Ontario. Tourism officials suggest the club’s conservation efforts have helped pump millions of dollars into our regional economy by attracting anglers to our region.

BPSA is located at 611 North Acres Road, Wiarton just off the Oliphant Road 2 km. West of highway 6. Regular club meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the last Thursday of the month. Join us, you will enjoy yourself. And you might end up becoming a member of our 300 member conservation organization.

BPSA is affiliated with the Ontario Community Hatchery Program and the 70-thousand member Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.