Tobermory Legion Branch 290 News: General Meeting September 10th

Submitted by Judy Hurst 

And just like that, summer is over. Once again, town has started to quiet down and we are settling into our familiar routines.

We would like to thank everyone who stepped up and helped out with our Saturday dances for the summer months. These dances play a critical role in helping our branch stay financially solvent and your help was greatly appreciated. 

We also saw the return of the summer BBQs which were well attended, for which we thank all who volunteered their time and bbq skills to make this happen again.

Now that fall is here (not officially of course) we are turning our heads to more seasonal activities. Legion week is approaching and this is the event where we celebrate all the accomplishments and history, of not just our legion on the peninsula, but of all Royal Canadian Legions across the nation. On Saturday September 14th stop by the branch for our annual wine and cheese as we celebrate our legion. Times have not yet been confirmed at the time of printing, so check the sign outside the branch for the exact times.

November may seem far away, but Remembrance Day will come up on us faster than we think and we, as always, will be looking for volunteers to help with canvassing for poppy donations. Please reach out if you are able to spare a few hours to help with the donation box at the grocery store.

We will also be resuming our regular meetings now that the summer is over, and we invite all to join us on September 10th at 8pm for the general meeting. Please come out to see what is happening at the branch, where you can help out, and most importantly, have a say in what happens at RCL Branch 290.