Letter: Let’s Stay Natural and Retain the Beauty of the Bruce and Its Shore


I just read John Tamming’s letter “Enjoy The landscapes of the Bruce….” (issue #13, 2024) I think it is very good to bring this issue to people’s attention and I’d like to also point out that many of these rocks that get pilfered could contain very old fossils.

The other thing I find disturbing which seems to be “a thing” is painting rocks. I worry about what is in the paint and what leeches out as the paint degrades. Not only that, but do we want the landscape to look unsightly and unnatural by essentially spray painting it? Around businesses, some public health related, I see hundreds of painted rocks and I know it might be done with thoughtfulness in mind but I don’t think it’s a healthy choice to paint something and hide its natural beauty, perhaps with toxic substances.

Let’s stay natural and retain the beauty of the Bruce and its shores, etc. 

Carol Porter,

Property owner NBP