Bruce Peninsula Press Welcomes Reporter Martha Aitkin 

By Marianne Wood, Bruce Peninsula Press

The Bruce Peninsula Press welcomes reporter Martha Aitkin to the press team. Born in Lion’s Head, Martha is the third of four children for Gloria Hopkins and Albert Smith, both of whom were born and raised in Tobermory as descendents of original settlers. Martha has three daughters and two grandchildren.

In the 1990’s Martha earned a Bachelor of Health Science in Midwifery Degree and began a 25+ year career as a Registered Midwife. The last several years of Martha’s midwifery career were spent in northern Canada (Nunavut and the Northwest Territories). 

In 2022 Martha retired from midwifery and returned to the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula. “I am very happy to be back here amongst old friends and family.” said Martha. Currently engaged in a Masters in Counselling Psychology Degree program, Martha looks forward to working as a therapist in the near future. Welcome Martha!