Lion’s Head VON SMART Program Commemorates National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

L-R: Phyllis, Cathy, Darrell, Bridget, Susanne, Ricki, Georgie and Helga (front) commemorate National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by wearing orange at their weekly Level 1 VON SMART class held at the Lion’s Head Friendship Club.
Submitted by Sherri Panter

The Lion’s Head Level 1 VON SMART Program held at the Friendship Club in Lion’s Head commemorated National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by donning orange.

The Class is held weekly in Lion’s Head and offers SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) exercise and fall prevention classes to help improve strength, balance and heart health, while reducing both social isolation and hospital visits relating to falls.

The Classes were suspended since March of 2019 due to COVID-19 and only restarted this September.