4th Annual Merchant Tour Promotes Local Shopping Opportunities

Photo: Carolyn grew up in the area and returned to take part in the Merchant Tour, offering a selection of handmade bows and scrunchies.
By Joanne Rodgers, Bruce Peninsula Press

The popular Merchant Tour with 17 locations included a Friday Ladies Night and two pop-up locations, offering shoppers a wide selection of locally produced and/or unique products. Additionally, the locations offered a prize draw as well as samples and various sales promotions. Organizer Charlotte Chinn says from feedback received on the event “it feels like trick or treat for adults” as shoppers filled out the prize ballots and hunted for special items. Chinn says one of the goals of the Merchant Tour is to attract local traffic, those people who live in the area and shop locally on a regular basis.

The 4th Annual Bruce Peninsula Holiday Merchant Tour was held from November 14 to 16, 2024. Available were baked goods, spices, seasonings, teas, jewelry, handmade hair accessories, children’s toys, handsewn items, knit wear, artworks, photography prints, home decor, dog biscuits, clothing, health and wellness products, books, and other specialty items.

A pop-up location at the Lion’s Head Rotary Hall hosted nine vendors and the other at the Lion’s Head United church showcased eight vendors, while Classie Casual Boutique was located at the Friendship Hall. Charlotte Chinn sees the pop-up shops as a great venue for those businesses that do not have a brick and mortar store, and at the same time, drawing people back to shopping on Main Street.

Chin reported that shoppers said that they enjoyed the leisurely shopping opportunity and that the vendors were pleased with their sales and foot traffic.