Letter: Thanks to Members of the Community After Dog Attack


On Wednesday September 18, around 11 am, my wife, dog and I (Peter) were in the Bruce Peninsula National Park (BPNP) to purchase a Discovery pass. While my wife was purchasing the pass, my dog Maggie and I were the victims of an unprovoked attack by two dogs that escaped their owners’ control. Maggie and I were both knocked down and bitten by the dogs. 

We wish to thank the bystanders and Park employees who separated the two attacking dogs from my dog and myself. We also wish to thank the Park employees who helped us clean up and recover from the event. 

Afterwards the EMS paramedics, the Lion’s Head Emergency Department, Sauble Beach Pet Hospital, Public Health, and the Municipality Animal Control Department were all of great assistance as well.


Peter Roeser, Patricia Turner, 

and our dog Maggie 

(all of whom are now in good health)