St Edmunds Church Yard Sale Raises Over $2,400 for Meeting Place and Women’s Shelter

Photo: Mona Goulette, St Edmund’s Church Treasurer (center), presents a donation cheque to Noreen Steinacher and Jace Weir of The Meeting Place Tobermory.
Submitted by Jane Greenhouse, Yard Sale Co-ordinator

 This summer, 13th July, the Church of St Edmund (the Church at the Gap) held their annual yard sale. The proceeds from the sale were to support both the Meeting Place here in Tobermory and the Women’s Shelter in Owen Sound.

Our local community was very generous with their donations of items for the sale, and then again on the Saturday buying treasures to take home!

Many people, not just church members, helped sort and price throughout the week, and with the big sale on Saturday. To name a few of the helpers: Chris, Carl, Al, Gail, Dana, Michelle, Ann, Bernie, Jamie, Deb, Graham, Angie, Lee, Leon, Meg, Mary, Jim, and John.

A big thanks to the Bruce Anchor who allowed us to use their parking lot for the duration of sale (no worries of parking tickets as had happened the previous year), to Lawrence Beagan who graded the church’s driveway and made a beautiful charcuterie board for our silent auction, and to Don Burton who along with student minister Devan Munn looked after the BBQ. Thanks to Rob Davis for lending us his trailer, and to a crew from the United Church Thrift Shop for arriving at the end of the sale to remove everything we didn’t sell.

This sale could not have happened without the support of the community. It was very well attended and over $2,400.00 was raised for the Meeting Place and the Women’s Shelter.