St. Edmund’s Yard Sale July 13th: One of a Kind Table & Silent Auction

Submitted by Jane Greenhouse

It is getting to be that time of year again, time for the yard sale that we all wait for with great anticipation. YES, mark your calendar – July 13th, 8am-12pm, is this year’s St Edmund’s Church Yard Sale.
As you spring clean please save items you no longer use, but that are still in good condition for this yard sale. We can sell almost anything and all the money generated will go to outreach. We have already received some very unusual items from people moving. So, save items when clearing out your storage or just decluttering and deliver them to the church in Tobermory, at the end of Highway 6. We will be there to accept your donations the week of the sale, 8th-12th July, between 10:00am to 4:00pm.
If you are unable to deliver the items yourself call Bernie, 519-596-2260 or Lee, 519-795-7440 to arrange a pick-up time. If you have something extra special to donate, maybe it will find its way to the “One of a Kind” table or the Silent Auction.