Members Present: Mayor – Milt McIver, Deputy Mayor – Rod Anderson, Councillor – Todd Dowd, Councillor – Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Councillor – Aman Sohrab
Staff Present: Chief Administrative Officer – Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Clerk – Cathy Addison, Deputy Clerk – Lindsay Forbes, Treasurer – Teresa Shearer, Public Works Manager – Troy Cameron, Parks and Facilities Manager – Mark Coleman, Committee and Planning Coordinator – Bob Stewart
Others Present: WSP Land Development & Municipal Engineering Manager, Chris Wilson (Zoom)
Note: Members of Council and staff were present in the Municipal Office Council Chamber and the meeting was held via zoom, an electronic platform, for members of the public to view.
Call to Order and Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
Mayor McIver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and Council members were reminded to disclose any pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof that may arise during the meeting.
Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That the content of the agenda be approved as presented.
Adoption of the Minutes
Re: Council Meeting No. 24-23, August 26, 2024
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the minutes of Council Meeting No. 24-23, August 26, 2024, be approved as printed and circulated.
Public Meeting – Nil.
WSP Land Development & Municipal Engineering Manager, Chris Wilson (Zoom)
Re: Water and Waste Water Master Servicing Plan Presentation
WSP Land Development & Municipal Engineering Manager, Chris Wilson, appeared at the September 9, 2024, Management Meeting via Zoom.
Mayor McIver welcomed Chris Wilson to the Council Meeting.
A Project Update for the Lion’s Head and Tobermory Water and Wastewater Master Plans were presented to Council by Chris Wilson. The following was noted:
· In partnership with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula (NBP) is undertaking Water and Wastewater Master Plans for the communities of Tobermory and Lion’ Head.
· Currently, existing water and wastewater servicing is limiting potential growth within these communities. The goal of the Master Plans is to develop a preferred strategy to provide water and wastewater services in each community for today and for future development to 2046 and beyond.
· The Master Plans will take into consideration climate change and social and economic impacts, as well as current limitations to each community’s growth, given the existing infrastructure.
· The Current Approach for the Master Plans is Approach No.1 per the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process (broad master planning where identified projects are subject to project specific requirements).
· Currently, water and wastewater servicing is not provided on Chi Sin Tib Dek Road. The Municipality is currently working on a project to provide sanitary sewer extension along Highway 6, within the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) road corridor.
· The current Master Plan does include consideration for watermain and sanitary sewer along Chi Sin Tib Dek Road, nor development of a water treatment plant, sewage pumping station, or associated servicing to the proposed residential subdivision/campground and extension of watermain to the Parks Canada Visitor Center.
· Master Plans are long range plans that integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use with Environmental Assessment (EA) principles.
An overview was provided for the current EA approach being utilized by the Municipality – Approach No. 1 – Broad Master Planning where identified projects are subject to project specific requirements. The following was noted:
· Involves the analysis on a regional or systems scale, which enables the proponent to identify needs and establish broader infrastructure alternatives and solutions.
· Specific projects that are required to achieve the preferred solution described in the Master Plan may be identified within the Master Plan document, however the level of detail at a project-specific level is minimal.
· More detailed investigations at the project-specific level are required in order to fulfil the Class EA requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified within the Master Plan.
An overview was provided on the alternative EA Approaches under the Master Planning Process.
An overview of proposed alternatives to the Tobermory Waster Servicing Project and Lion’s Head Wastewater Project were presented to Council.
Discussion ensued surrounding the Public Consultation Process associated with the Master Plans.
The next steps and schedule associated with the proposed alternatives for the Master Plans was presented to Council.
A list of potential studies required to support a Schedule C EA for a water treatment plant in Tobermory were presented to Council.
Discussion ensued surrounding the timeframe and lifespan of the associated reports.
Discussion ensued regarding the importance of public consultation surrounding the projects.
Discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of completing both projects at the same time.
It was noted that a subsequent report will be provided to Council, which will include staff recommendations and the associated financial impact of the projects.
It was noted that costing and a financial review will be provided to Council by WSP.
Mayor McIver thanked Chris Wilson for his presentation.
Consideration of Agenda Items
1. Public Works Manager Report No. PW 24-21
Re: 2023 Annual Performance Report for the Tobermory Sewage Treatment System
Public Works Manager, Troy Cameron, stated that he would provide Council with information regarding methods to meet system objectives.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives Public Works Department Report PW 24-21 titled 2023 Annual Performance Report for the Tobermory Sewage Treatment System; and
That Council directs staff to place a notice in the Municipal Ad in The Bruce Peninsula Press indicating that the Annual Report is available for viewing on the Municipal Website.
2. Public Works Manager Report No. PW 24-22
Re: Request to Purchase Used Street Sweeper
Moved by Councillor Aman Sohrab, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council receives PW 24-22 report titled Request to Purchase Used Street Sweeper , as information; and
That Council considers the purchase of a 2009 Elgin Whirlwind Street Sweeper from Cubex Equipment for $69,800.00, excluding HST.
3. Public Works Manager Report No. PW 24-23
Re: Swan Lake Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That Council receives Report PW 24-23 titled Swan Lake Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender, as information; and
That Council awards the Swan Lake Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender to Collins Excavating for $16,351.50, excluding HST
4. Public Works Manager Report No. PW 24-24
Re: Fern Creek Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender
Moved by Councillor Aman Sohrab, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives Report PW 24-24 titled Fern Creek Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender, as information; and
That Council awards the Fern Creek Municipal Drain Cleanout Tender to Collins Excavating for $37,064.30, excluding HST.
5. Parks and Facilities Manager Report No. PF 24-20
Re: Rural Recharge EV Program-NRCan ZEVIP Funding Opportunity
Parks and Facilities Manager, Mark Coleman, provided an overview on the Rural Recharge EV Program-NRCan ZEVIP Funding Opportunity. He stated that the attached Memorandum of Understanding is not a final agreement, but a document which allows ZEVIP to submit for the funding.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed location at the Lion’s Head Beach.
Parks and Facilities Manager, Mark Coleman, noted that the location was selected due to the ability to connect to existing infrastructure.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives Parks and Facilities Report PF 24-20 regarding Rural Recharge EV Program-NRCan ZEVIP Funding Opportunity as information; and
That Council authorizes the signing of the IVY – MOU 2024 – Grant Cycle – Site 17 – Lion’s Head.
6. Clerk Report No. C 24-39
Re: Owner/Applicant: Christopher Reimer-Catteau
Agent: Ron Davidson Land Use Planning Consultant Inc.
File: Z-2024-047
Property Address: 59 Burma Rd, Concession 3 WBR Pt Lot 25: RP 3R8893 Part 2, (Geographic Township of Eastnor), Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
Roll Number 410962000416802
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council directs staff to submit to the County of Bruce Planning and Economic Development Department, the Municipality’s comment on the zoning application submitted by the Agent, Ron Davidson, on behalf of owner, Christopher Reimer-Catteau, for property legally described as 59 Burma Rd., Concession 3 WBR Pt. Lot 25: RP 3R8893 Part 2 (Geographic Township of Eastnor), Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, as follows:
If driveways or laneways are longer than 300 ft (91M) then a turnaround shall be provided as per NFPA 1147 Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural, and Suburban Areas:
a. When the length of the roadway into the property is greater than 91 meters (300 feet), a turnaround shall be provided having no less than a 120 ft (36.6 m) outside diameter, as per Every dead-end roadway more than 300 ft (91 m) in length shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having no less than a 120 ft (36.6 m) outside diameter of the traveled way.
7. Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 24-19
Re: Lion’s Head Arena Alternatives
Discussion ensued regarding the alternatives proposed in Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 24-19.
It was noted that the report will be included the September 23, 2024 Council Meeting.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives the report titled Lion’s Head Arena Alternative, and;
That Council provided direction to staff to bring back a report to the September 23, 2024, Council Meeting.
8. Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 24-20
Re: Council Workshop Follow Up
Discussion ensued regarding the report submitted by StrategyCorp following the July 22, 2024, Council Workshop.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council receives the report titled Council Workshop Follow Up, and;
That Council requested that staff reach out to StrategyCorp regarding the report and request further analysis regarding the recommendations.
9. Accounts Payable Voucher
Re: August 2024
Moved by Councillor Aman Sohrab, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That Council receives approved Accounts Payable Voucher for August 2024, in the amount of $1,269,117.58.
Other Business
Mayor McIver noted that the Bruce County Planning and Development Department is planning a delegation to Council to present the draft Official Plan.
Mayor McIver inquired about the geese issues in the Lion’s Head Harbour area.
· It was noted that staff will investigate methods to effectively deter geese from the area.
Deputy Mayor Anderson attended the recent meeting of the Rush Cove Ratepayer’s Association and complimented the Public Works Department regarding their work in the area.
Councillor Golden inquired regarding the status of the request regarding the proposed closure of Crane Lake Road to public use
· It was noted that letters are anticipated to be sent out in the following week to property owners regarding the proposed closure.
· It was further noted that affected property owners will be requested to provide written comments to the Municipality regarding the proposed closure.
1. Bruce County Federation of Agriculture (Information)
Re: Annual General Meeting and Comedy Night
2. Rick Byers, MPP (Information)
Re: Media Release: Ontario Connecting People to Faster Emergency Care
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That correspondence items #1 & 2 be received as information as printed and circulated.
Reading of By-laws
By-law 2024-83
Being A By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council Meeting of The Corporation of The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula Held Monday, September 9, 2024
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That the listed by-law be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reading, and enacted.
Closed Session – Nil.
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Moved by Councillor Aman Sohrab, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That the meeting adjourns at 3:06 p.m.