Medical Students Visit Northern Bruce Peninsula During ROMP Week

Photo: ROMP students James & Matey with the Bruce Anchor Cruises crew Chris, Troy, Jeff & Logan.
Submitted by Pamela Loughlean, Executive Director, Peninsula FHT 

The Peninsula Family Health Team (PFHT) recently welcomed two medical students from the University of Ottawa as part of the Rural Ontario Medicine Program (ROMP).

ROMP Week is a one-week elective experience that provides an opportunity for medical students to get a snapshot early in their training of what it is like to live and practice medicine in a community outside of a large urban centre. 

Now in our sixteenth consecutive year of participation, the Peninsula Family Health Team is a strong advocate for the Rural Ontario Medicine Program. This year, James Wang of Richmond Hill and Matey Juric of Toronto spent their week job shadowing at the PFHT clinics in Lion’s Head and Tobermory, the Tobermory Hyperbaric Facility, and Brighthshores-Lion’s Head Hospital site. 

James and Matey were able to observe the interaction between patient, nursing staff and physicians and gain a greater appreciation of the scope of family medicine in a rural setting. In their off-hours, they were able to explore our region and learn more about our communities and why we love to live and work here.

The Peninsula Family Health Team extends their appreciation to the MNBP (Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula) Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee for their support and assistance in making this a memorable week for our visiting medical students.

Photo: Dr. Dave Thomson overseeing the ROMP students during a hands-on suture clinic.