Getting Ready For The July 13th Yard Sale At The Church At The Gap 

Submitted by Jane Greenhouse 

 This photo illustrates some of the many things this person no longer needs after sorting out their storage area. They clearly are looking for a yard sale to donate their saleable items. The Church at the Gap (the Church of St Edmunds) is the place to bring them. Yes, bringing items to the church for the annual yard sale is a perfect way to find a new home for the things you no longer want. By donating these old, treasured items to this yard sale you help raise funds for our local community. The monies raised from the sale this year will be donated to The Meeting Place in Tobermory and The Women’s Shelter in Owen Sound. 

The 2024 yard sale will be held on July 13th, 9AM to 1PM. 

The week before the sale there will be people at the church ready to receive your donations. Drop off days for donations are Monday July 8th to Friday July 12th, between 10AM and 4PM. (Please no large appliances, TVs or sofas!)

We sort through everything, and the exceptional and unusual treasures are set aside for either the silent auction or the one-of-a-kind table. 

It is always fascinating to see what items our creative volunteers put together to make an interesting silent auction package. Last year we had quite the bidding war on a beautiful pine mirror; the bidding went right down to the closing time at midday. 

If you need assistance getting your donations to the church please call Bernie 519-596-2260 or Jane 519-596-2081.