Tobermory United Church Pancake Supper February 13


Stopped in Awe: News from Tobermory United 

Submitted by Rev. Sheryl Spencer 

This is my second winter in Tobermory, and I like winter, but I have to say that as I write this, there has been a long string of grey days. It becomes a topic of conversation, this longing to see the sun. I can imagine that a lot of last-minute trips down south get booked at this time of year. 

At Tobermory United, however, for the second year in a row, we’re celebrating ‘down south’ Sunday, this year on February 11, when folks are invited to come to church in their summer clothes, and we pretend that we’re gathering in a sunnier clime. It’s just one way to get through the winter and also to have a bit of fun before the more serious season of Lent begins. 

On Shrove Tuesday, February 13, Tobermory United will host our annual Pancake Supper. If you come to the Tobermory Community Centre between 5 and 7pm, you will be able to eat your fill of pancakes, sausages, homemade baked beans, veggies, fruit, baked goods and refreshments. Admission is by donation. A great way to get out and see your neighbours! 

The next morning, February 14 at 11:00 a.m., we’ll celebrate Ash Wednesday with a joint service at St. Edmund’s Anglican. Ash Wednesday is an important service. It not only signifies the beginning of Lent, but invites one to consider one’s own mortality. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

On February 15 at 1:00 p.m. at Tobermory United, a book study will begin, a deep dive into The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown. This study is another joint project between Tobermory United and St. Edmund’s Anglican, and I’m so looking forward to leading it with Pastor Janaki Bandara and Rev. Mona Goulette. Amid the heartbreaking tragedy of current world events, this book, according to Brené Brown’s web site, “is an invitation to join a wholehearted revolution. . . choosing authenticity and worthiness is an absolute act of resistance.” Amen to that. Participants are invited to procure their own copy of the book. Gatherings will continue for six weeks. For more information, feel free to e-mail or call 519-596-2394. 

Meanwhile, folks at Tobermory United were so saddened to hear of the recent passing of Ron and Rita Baker. I only knew them a little, from one specific visit to the peninsula about a decade ago, and I remember being astonished at Ron’s gifts as a storyteller. I’m reading Rita’s book, Run, Children right now and find her writing to be beautiful and brave. Ron and Rita’s gifts will be so lovingly remembered. 

Rev. Sheryl Spencer is minister at Tobermory United Church.