Life Around Tobermory United… From The Desk Of The Lazy Theologian – Spring Chicken BBQ May 26th

Submitted by Brad Inglis

Well it’s a go, the Spring Chicken Barbecue will happen – Wednesday May 26th 4:30 to 6 pm. This will be like any other take-out restaurant, just a “pop up” one. You won’t have to get out of your car. Pull into the parking lot at Tobermory United Church on Brock Street and you will be directed to where you either pay or hand in your pre-paid ticket and your meal will be handed to you. 

Ticket sales have been brisk but there is still lots of time to pre-order and pay for your ticket (it also helps to reduce the personal contact). You can call 519-596-2227 or email to pay and reserve your tickets. All COVID protocol will be followed, come out for a treat, support the church and give yourself a break from cooking for the night!

Thrift Shop Plans for Opening 

We are excited to say that the Thrift Shop is planning to open mid-June and preparations will begin as soon as this current lockdown is lifted on June 2nd (all will depend on “if” it is lifted). 

Drop off dates will be announced; we will be accepting gently used clothing and household items. 

Opening day will also be confirmed closer to the lockdown being lifted. We will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturdays this year from 1 to 4pm with strict COVID protocols in place for the safety of shoppers and volunteers. 

We are still looking for volunteers to help on sale days – this means 3 hours per week and the occasional Saturday. Even in a mask, it is still lots of fun helping people find their treasures! Please contact Steve Lindsay, our volunteer coordinator, if you would like more information at or 519-851-3411

Brad Inglis is the minister at Tobermory United Church. He can be reached at

519-596-2821 (Home)

519-824-0268 (Cell)