Submitted by Dr George Harpur
COVID-19 Oh no! Oh yea! It’s here. We all need to be adhering to social distancing or self isolation (see the article from the Peninsula Family Health Team on page 1).
Vo Euganeo a small town in Northern Italy, in the heart of the worst outbreak, did mass testing and found 3% of the population were positive, 75% of them with no symptoms whatever. All were put in strict social isolation and the testing repeated 2 weeks later. The number of positives had dropped to 0.3% with no new cases. It works if we do it now. We don’t have the ability to test everyone so we have to “Act as though everyone is infected.”
Social/physical distancing can work.
So what to do while we’re apart?
First read and adhere to the instructions in the article on page 1. Then take advantage of the time you have to pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read. Make those calls you never have time for. Use one of the online free video conference systems to renew connections you never get around to and get out and walk if you’re able.
Walking and worrying are both options but while worrying just begets more worry walking is good for everything from your head to your toes. Walking at any pace has benefit and it’s free and available pretty much everywhere.
It’s OK to walk together if you maintain the usual safe distancing and stay abreast while walking into the wind or with the wind and in line when the wind is from the side as wind can carry droplets farther than the usual 4 feet. Most of us born with the male configuration understand this well having learned from experience that it doesn’t pay to pee into the wind.
This can be a time to catch up on hobbies, practice rusty skills like playing music or writing overdue letters. This could be the chance to take one of the free online courses that can teach you how to do anything from basket weaving to brain surgery in the comfort and safety of your home. Watch a few Ted talks, join an online yoga group or just relax and meditate. This virus is certainly not good news but we have the ability to turn panic into progress and the promise of a better tomorrow.
Virus causing behaviour change? I used to cough to cover a fart but now I have to fart to cover a cough.