Submitted by Dave Riach
The Ferndale, Lion’s Head and District Lions Club welcomed April Patry of Bruce Peninsula Health Services to our March 13 Meeting. April gave a presentation about the new MRI equipment being installed in the Owen Sound Hospital in 2019.
Over 11,000 MRI scans are done annually in Owen Sound, but the current machine is one of the oldest operating machines in Ontario. The new machine will have greatly enhanced imaging, be quieter, and will be able to accommodate heavier patients than the existing equipment.
The goal is to raise 4.7 million dollars to purchase and install the new MRI machine. Following April’s presentation Ferndale, Lion’s Head and District Lions presented April with a cheque for $7,500.00.
At the March 13 meeting the Lions also approved a donation to Bruce Peninsula District School towards the Outers programme offered at the school. The money will be used to assist the school to sponsor a group of students to go to Cyprus Lake Campground and participate in a variety of events that include canoeing, kayaking, hiking, meals and the opportunity to stay in the yurts at the campground.
The Lions are looking forward to again sponsoring the Annual Horseshoe tournament on the Lion’s Head beach on Civic Holiday weekend. There is a rumour there may by games of washers this year. Later on this year you can look forward to the annual Pumpkin Toss and lawnmower races on Thanksgiving Weekend.
On the weekend of March 8, 9, and 10, Ferndale Lions hosted the annual Lions Hockey tournament. This year 12 teams competed in 3 divisions and good hockey was enjoyed by everyone attending. This year the weather on Saturday evening and Sunday was a challenge, however the crowds attending were excellent and the games well attended. The three divisions were : EPH Tools Division, Walsh’s Garage Division, and Rydall Contracting Division.
The Mielhausen team and the Zamboni team were the winners in their category and the Grand champion games were forfeited due to weather concerns. Once again Lion Eric McLay, fund-raising chair, collected from many of the businesses from Tobermory, Miller Lake, Lion’s Head, Wiarton, and Owen Sound. His thanks go out to each business and personal donations for the great gifts received for the Players table.
The Lions Club would also extend thanks to the many people that helped with the tournament: Time Keepers, Referees, and Arena staff. This tournament could not happen without the support of many people.
We also extend a warm welcome and a huge Lions Roar to our newest members Ron Wheeler and Jason Merton . Anyone interested in joining Lions could call any Lions Member or call Dave at 519-592-5780. We would like to talk with you about Lions.