Submitted by David Warder
I’ll start with a follow up to last month’s Christmas Cantata – Thank you to everyone who helped to spread the word during the mail strike. Attendance was excellent and I hope everyone had a good time. Both nights went well, but Wednesday was especially good.
Thank you for your generous financial support as well. The $10 admission fee exceeded the choir’s expenses by about $500 and we collected exactly $1,100 in donations over and above the price of admission. As a result, the Cantata raised just over $900 for the Breakfast Program at Bruce Peninsula District School and nearly $700 for Safe ‘n Sound. You also donated over 300 pounds of food for our local food bank. What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!
The next project is a Cantata to be presented in Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter. I have found the most amazing Cantata for us to learn! You thought last year’s was good? Get ready!
Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, January 26 at 2 pm at Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church, 18 Ferndale Road in Lion’s Head. Performances of the Cantata are tentatively scheduled for Palm Sunday (April 13) and Good Friday (April 18) – three performances in total, usually in Tobermory, Lion’s Head and Cape Croker.
We need people to sing in the choir. This entails singing in 4-part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor or bass) with the ability to read music being a tremendous asset. A commitment to the weekly rehearsal schedule is also important. Singers are provided with a recording of their part of the music and a weekly rehearsal plan in order to work on their music at home between rehearsals.
If singing isn’t your thing, or Sunday afternoons aren’t good for you, don’t count yourself out just yet. There’s also an opportunity for an angry mob as part of this production. As someone said to me tonight, with the current state of the world it shouldn’t be hard to round up an angry mob!
If you’d like to participate in the choir, or have any questions, give me a call or show up on the 26th. If you can let me know you are coming ahead of time, I can have a music package ready for you when you arrive.
If you’re interested in the mob, you don’t need to come to the first rehearsal but you will have to come to a couple of rehearsals along the way so we can figure out how we’re going to do this. Please do let me know you’re interested so I can let you know when we need you to come. David Warder 519-793-4015.