Photo: The Wool WaterNeedle table was a delight to explore.
By Martha Aitkin, Bruce Peninsula Press
With nearly 30 artisans, craftspeople and other vendors setting up tables at the Community Centre and crowds of shoppers, the Tobermory Marketplace event on November 9th was a great success. As promised in the article about the wrap up of the summer market, Smokey Golden brought homemade pie! But you had to get there early if you wanted pie because she sold them all within minutes of the doors opening. Any disappointment over missing out on the pie was soon forgotten as shoppers were treated to beautiful displays and many opportunities to purchase gifts for friends and loved ones for the upcoming Christmas season.
Wendy Perkes, one of the people involved in pulling this event together, stated that she was “delighted and overwhelmed” by the “enormous success” of the indoor Tobermory Marketplace at Christmas. Some of the vendors are new to the Tobermory Marketplace and have shown an interest in being part of the summer market as well. All vendors realize that their presence at the Tobermory Marketplace may lead to increase sales of their products, not just at the event, but in an ongoing way because of the increased visibility and awareness an event like this provides.

For Brian Woelfle, the recently hired Chamber of Commerce Co-ordinator, this was an awesome introduction to the Tobermory Marketplace. Brian is happily retired from a career in London, Ontario. He has a home in Pike Bay and is much happier with the commute to Tobermory than he was with commuting to London!
Wendy and Brian both expressed sincere gratitude to all of the vendors for their hard work and beautiful tables. Gratitude is also extended to the shoppers who came from Tobermory and the rest of the Peninsula. You made the Tobermory Marketplace at Christmas event the enormous success that it was.
For readers who may have missed this opportunity – many of the same vendors will have tables at the upcoming St. Nicolas Bazaar at the Tobermory Community Centre on November 30th from 10am until 2pm. I have it on good authority that Santa Claus is coming to town for that one!