In response to the letter “What the majority can impose on the minority“.
Wow! Comparing fireworks being let off 2-3 times a year at 20 minute intervals to a full scale commercial rock quarry operating all year near a residential area is more than beyond the pale. Never mind getting philosophical about the intricacies of the majority in a democracy.
I assume the author of the letter doesn’t have children.
Transferring my tastes to others? Really, you require “data” to believe most people, primarily kids, enjoy fireworks? I suggest you pick a local public place like a grocery store or arena. Poll the first 20 children and their parents by asking them if they like fireworks. Please share the small sample data set results with us. I’m sure you won’t.
What’s next, a campaign to remove all children’s playground equipment and close parks because of the noise and ruckus that ensues?
Again, our council has better things to do than deal with this nonsense. Here’s to enjoying a fireworks display with kids!
Best regards,
Joseph Jones