Tobermory Legion Br 290 News: Renew Your Membership Today

Submitted by Judy Hurst 

Well, here we are folks, the ferry is done for another season and summer is officially over.

As we prepare for the fall and winter season, we want to thank you all for your continued support of the Tobermory Legion. From raising funds to “raise the roof”, to participating in this summers silent auction for Inuit wall hangings, the ongoing support of our branch allows us to continually support a whole host of organizations that provide assistance in this community and to the larger community of veterans nationwide. We thank you for being so generous.

The beginning of fall also means that we are into our 2025 membership drive and now is the time to get your memberships renewed, or if you are thinking of joining, as they say, the Early Bird gets the worm! Early Bird memberships dues are available until November 30th at a rate of $50.00. As of December 1st, memberships will be $60.00. Get your dues in now as they will be increasing again in January 2025.

Poppy Campaigning is also among us, so we urge you to pick up your poppy and wear it with pride! If you are available to help with canvassing for the poppy campaign at Peacock’s Foodland, please reach out to Jo Anne Lane to see what shifts are available.

If you like games, then come on by the branch for Darts on Thursday evenings, Euchre on Friday, October 25th, and as always pool, shuffleboard and cribbage are available during regular branch hours.

On Saturday, October 26th, the branch will be hosting the Northern Bruce Truth and Reconciliation Group as they bring Patrick Lavalley to the legion to speak about the participation of the Chippewas of Nawash in the two world wars. All are encouraged to come to the branch to hear the stories starting at 1pm.