Friends of Bruce District Parks Hold 40th Anniversary Celebration

Photo: Heather, the Flowerpot Island Monster and Friends’ chair person Richard Ottewell ready to serve the anniversary cakes.
Submitted by Jane Greenhouse 

Friday June 7th, was extremely windy, and the Blue Heron boats were cancelled, Sunday was rainy, but Saturday was perfect. Saturday June 8th was the day chosen to observe the 40th anniversary of The Friends of the Bruce District National Parks Association on Flowerpot Island! 

Heather Keast, chairperson of the celebration, fortunately was able to catch a ride to the island on Thursday afternoon. She spent the windy Friday getting ready for the party. The previous week Heather had set up a photographic display in the museum. Upstairs she had interesting presentations in the four bedrooms, each room representing a decade of events celebrating the Friends’ accomplishments, not just at the Light station but encompassing Fathom Five National Marine Park and Bruce Peninsula National Parks Association.

The rest of the 40th Anniversary committee, Melissa and Kevin Kanmacher and Jane Greenhouse, were on the first boat on Saturday ready to finish the set up. Also on the early boat were many of the Friends’ board and members. “Keep the Bruce Clean and Green” (KTBC&G) representative Angela Beutel came too and at Beachy Cove she set up the KTBC&G display. She gave out the Friends’ Scavenger Hunt card, a list of things for kids to observe on their walk to the light station and at the museum. 

At the Light-station, Melissa became Mrs. Lightkeeper and had post cards of the Flowerpot Island monster for kids to colour. Kevin, along with Sigrid Feser manned the busy Tuck Shop but periodically Kevin disappeared! It seemed that he was never around to see the Flowerpot Island monster who roamed the grounds from time to time. 

Jane set up traditional games on the Helipad. These were a series of games drawn in chalk for people to play. It started with jumping jacks, continued with walking the plank, followed by running through tires, hopscotch, jump rope and toss the button to a tin. Also, there was the old game of “Jacks” which challenged quite a few people. Many young adults as well as children participated in these games.

At 1:00 pm we sang happy anniversary and shared the delicious birthday cake with the many visitors to the site. It is estimated that several hundred visitors took in the sights and activities at the Light station, with many asking questions about the history of the Island, and of the Friends.

Many thanks to Ethan Meleg, acting Parks Canada Representative, for joining in the festivities. Thanks also to mother nature for giving us such a beautiful day to celebrate the Friends’ 40 years of supporting the National Parks.