Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula SPECIAL Council Meeting Minutes April 7, 2021 – Parking Recommendations


Members Present: Mayor Milt McIver, Deputy Mayor Debbie Myles (via Zoom), Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Councillor James Mielhausen, Councillor Megan Myles 

Staff Present: Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Chief Administrative Officer, Cathy Addison, Clerk, Tessa Swanton, Deputy Clerk, Carol Hopkins, Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Wendy Elliott, Chief Building Official (via Zoom), Ryan Deska, Community Services Manager, Troy Cameron, Public Works Manager (via Zoom)

Others Present: Nil

Note: Some members of Council and staff were present in the Council Chamber and the meeting was held via zoom, an electronic platform, for members of the public to attend.

Note: In the absence of the ability to vote by a show of hands, in accordance with By-law No. 2021-08 Section 3-64.3, Council votes will be recorded for resolutions presented at electronic Council meetings.

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

Mayor McIver called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Council members were reminded to disclose any pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof that may arise during the meeting.

Approval of the Agenda

Resolution #13-01-2021, Moved by J. Mielhausen, Seconded L. Golden

THAT the content of the agenda be approved, as printed.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen: Yes

Councillor Myles: Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.


Consideration of Agenda Items

1. Treasurer Report No. TR 21-09

Re: Parking Meter Information 2017 to 2020

The CAO, Peggy Van Mierlo-West, confirmed that staff will continue taking $50,000 from parking revenues each year to pay for the 12 Brock Street property until directed otherwise by Council. 

The Clerk, Cathy Addison, left the meeting briefly at 9:05 a.m. and returned to the meeting at 9:05 a.m.

The Treasurer, Teresa Shearer, entered the meeting at 9:05 a.m. and advised that she is drafting a policy that will ensure that set amounts are being allocated to certain costs from the parking reserve and all administrative costs will be covered. 

Resolution #13-02-2021, Moved by M. Myles, Seconded by D. Myles

THAT Council receives Treasurer’s report TR21-09 as information regarding the Parking Meter revenue and expenses for the years 2017 to 2020.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen: Yes

Councillor Myles: Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.


The Treasurer left the meeting at 9:08 a.m.

2. Community Services Manager Report No. CS 21-12

Re: Tobermory Community Dinner

The Community Services Manager, Ryan Deska, indicated that the Tobermory Community Dinner will proceed as planned only if Covid-19 restrictions permit such an event. He said that he will correspond with Public Health Grey Bruce following conditional approval from Council. 

Resolution #13-03-2021, Moved L. Golden, Seconded by M. Myles

THAT Council receives Manager of Community Services report CS 21-12 Tobermory Community Dinner, and;

THAT Council approve the use of a food truck and the use of the Tobermory Community Centre Parking lot for the serving of the Tobermory Community Dinner, provided all COVID 19 guidelines and protocols are adhered to.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen Yes

Councillor Myles Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.


3. Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 21-07

Re: Parking Recommendations

Mayor McIver introduced the Parking Recommendations report prepared by the CAO. Discussion was noted as follows:

Lion’s Head Paid Parking

• Accommodate parking on one side of Joseph Street if possible

• The Lion’s Head Hospital requested no parking on their side of Joseph Street

• No parking on both sides of Bruin Street (as existing)

• No parking between McNeil Street and Sylvia Street

• Maximum 3 hour parking for all designated parking areas in Lion’s Head other than a few specified areas (McCurdy Drive, Lion’s Head Marina, and Phillip Forbes Street)

• The back parking lot at the Lion’s Head Marina would be open for boaters only and the front parking lot would be available for paid parking

• The report reads as if you have a slip at the Harbour, then you are assigned a designated parking space

• May be favouring the tourists over the residents based on proposed Lion’s Head Marina parking

• The Engineers Report states that the Municipality does not have enough parking spaces for boaters

• Designating a parking space for boaters at the Lion’s Head Marina may be problematic; amend wording to reflect that parking spaces will be designated for boaters based on availability

• Boaters can have a separate coloured parking pass 

• The front parking lot is not being removed from boater access, boaters are still welcome to park when spots are available; the back parking lot is designated for boater parking only

• Consider 3 hour parking for all parking locations other than the Lion’s Head Arena

• Increase fees for some parking areas; program the machines differently

• If parking recommendations are passed today, then paid parking machines can be programmed and ready by May 17, 2021

• Need full day parking at the Lion’s Head Marina for boaters; 3 hours is insufficient

• May be easier to implement a flat rate for full day parking to generate more revenue and ease workloads on Bylaw Department staff

• The Lion’s Head Arena and McCurdy Drive parking lots are proposing full day parking

• Favour both non-boating residents and boating residents for parking at the Lion’s Head Marina

• The Lion’s Head Marina is important and non-boating residents can park elsewhere

• Implement a $5/hour paid parking fee at McCurdy Drive to a maximum of $30/day 

• Barricades can occur for emergency purposes at the discretion of the Bylaw Enforcement Officer to maintain traffic control; the Bylaw Enforcement Officer then communicates with the CAO and Council

Based on discussion, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer summarized the following decisions with respect to Lion’s Head paid parking for 2021:

• McCurdy Drive- charge a paid parking fee of $5/hour to a maximum of $30/day; paid parking machines are active from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

• Lion’s Head Marina- charge a paid parking fee of $5/hour to a maximum of $30/day; paid parking machines are active from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; allow all-day parking

• Phillip Forbes Street- charge a paid parking fee of $5/hour to a maximum of 3 hours of parking ($15 maximum); you must move parking spaces after 3 hours

• All other paid parking machines in Lion’s Head are $3/hour to a maximum of 3 hours of parking

Parking discussions for Lion’s Head continued:

• There was a concern raised that implementing paid parking would make it difficult for residents to find parking spaces

• Can implement a 10 minute grace period; residents will have their parking pass and are exempt from paying

• Council agreed to parking restrictions as indicated on the proposed map

• Consider parking passes for Hydro One employees and apartment building residents

• Tickets are issued at the discretion of Bylaw Enforcement Officers 

• Implement online reservations for McCurdy Drive as a pilot project for 2021 to encourage tourists to plan their visits in advance of travelling

• Online reservations would act as a mechanism to know in advance if spots are full

• Discuss creating more parking spaces in 2022

Mermaids Cove

• Recommending no parking permitted on the entirety of Grant Watson Drive including the cul-de-sac at the end of the road

• Parks Canada is trying to limit access to the Park through the Mermaids Cove access and are encouraging use of the Visitors Centre access

• No parking is already posted from Harpur Drive to the end of Grant Watson Drive

• Proposing no parking at all on the entire road, including the end of the road where 10 cars are currently permitted

• Consider designating a few parking spaces at the end of Grant Watson Drive to access Mermaids Cove; it’s a well-known spot for people to go

• The original proposal was for a barricade at the corner on weekends; need some means to control traffic to this area as it’s a dead end street

• Should maintain at least 6 cars at the end of that area

• If only 6 cars are permitted, there is still a need for infrastructure, garbage bins, washrooms, etc.

• Councillor Golden and Deputy Mayor Myles emphasized that they are opposed to implementing no parking at the end of Grant Watson Drive to access Mermaids Cove

• Close the road for a year until tourists are trained that parking is not permitted, then reopen the road for some residents

Big Tub Road

• There are issues with some driveways at the end of Big Tub Road

• Councillor Golden circulated an email with aerial views of the area

• Visitors come to this area to visit the lighthouse, take pictures, swim, and picnic

• The Municipality collects garbage and supplies washrooms

• Transport Canada owns the point where the lighthouse is located and they have an agreement with Parks Canada

• The Municipality is assisting by providing parking and other services

• Consider parking for 25 cars just on the south side of the road from 197 Big Tub Road to the end of the road and 10 spaces in the parking lot

• The cars cannot park completely off of the road

• Staff can line parking spaces at the end of the road, but not for parking spaces on the road

12 Brock Street Parking Lot

• In the future, the property would require a Zoning By-law amendment including a Local Official Plan review and studies

• Currently, attainable housing or granny suites are not acknowledged in the Zoning By-law

• Visit Plan the Bruce to provide comments to Bruce County regarding their proposed Official Plan

Carter Road

• Staff are recommending Option 2 including an off road parking area, gate and signage

• Residents favour Option 2

• The parking lot area will be closed at 9:00 p.m. daily by Bylaw Enforcement staff

• A paid parking machine will be placed on site

• Charge a paid parking fee of $5/hour to a maximum of $30/day

Chi-Sin Tub Dik Road and Little Cove Road

• Parks Canada is in agreement to move forward and give Parks Canada control over paid parking on these roads; they will provide the Municipality with a fee for use of these roads

• The draft agreement will be coming to Council in the near future; Parks Canada is preparing the draft for Council’s consideration

Black Creek Provincial Park

• Ontario Parks are currently not in support of the Municipality implementing paid parking in the parking lot 

• Tourism related data will be updated for 2021 by Ontario Parks as they hired additional staff to monitor Lion’s Head and Black Creek Provincial Park 

• The Municipality does not own the parking lot

• The Municipality is paid $10,000 per from Ontario Parks to clean the washrooms

Dyers Bay Road

• The Municipality received some comments from residents requesting signage; staff will be installing informational signage similar to that on Carter Road

• A parking machine will be installed in a signal is available 

• Ask the Bruce Peninsula Press to print a map of the whole Northern Bruce Peninsula parking areas for distribution to tourists

Councillor Myles requested an addition to the recommendation with respect to Council approving the implementation of an online parking reservation system to enforce capacity and improve planning at McCurdy Drive for 2021.

Online Parking Reservation System

• Request from the supplier that they update and train staff on the system

• Bylaw staff can monitor parking reservations online

• Ontario Parks is reluctant to provide the Municipality with a capacity for the Lion’s Head Provincial Park

• Ontario Parks communicated with staff that they are not as concerned about the number of people on the trail as they are concerned about trail behaviour and etiquette

• Staff will prepare a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an online parking reservation system as per Council direction and the Procurement Policy

• Ask Ontario Parks to help the Municipality with communications by putting a link on their website for the Municipal online reservation system

Shuttle Bus

• The shuttle does not need to stop at the Lion’s Head Beach or Marina

• The Municipality will use Celtic Sports and Arts Camp Inc. as a shuttle bus provider for the 2021 season and will prepare an RFP for a shuttle bus operator for Tobermory and Lion’s Head for the 2022 season 

• The Municipality needs a business plan from the provider

Parking discussion continued:

• Council approved implementing paid parking on Borchardt Road with a $5/hour fee to a maximum of $30/day; parking machines active from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

• Council approved resident only parking at the along the road on the same side as the Dunks Bay Cemetery; signage will be posted

• Consider “resident only” parking areas in 2022

Resolution #13-04-2021, Moved by J. Mielhausen, Seconded by M. Myles 

THAT Council receives the report titled, Parking Recommendations and;

THAT the amended BY-LAW NO. 2020-71 being a by-law to regulate paid parking and control traffic and more particularly the parking and stopping or standing of vehicles and the use of municipal parking lots within the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula be presented to Council at the April 12th, 2021 Council meeting and;

THAT Council approves the construction of a parking area located at 60 Carter Road in 2021, and;

THAT Administration enters into discussions with Parks Canada for leasing of the Parking areas located on Chi-Sin Tub Dik Road and Little Cove Road, and;

THAT Council approves in principle for the operational of a tourism shuttle service with Celtic Sports and Arts Centre Inc. for the 2021 tourism season.

THAT Council approves implementing an online parking reservation system pilot project.

THAT Council approves implementing paid parking on Borchardt Road and the installation of “no parking” signs along both sides of the road.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen Yes

Councillor Myles Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.



1. Christian Nold- Parking Management for Dyers Bay- Council approved implementing paid parking at the Dyers Bay parking lot, if a cellphone signal can be achieved 

2. Laurie Cochrane- Dyers Bay Parking Lot- Witness Statement Prepared by Linda Sober- Council approved implementing paid parking at the Dyers Bay parking lot, if a cellphone signal can be achieved

Resolution #13-05-2021, Moved by L. Golden, Seconded by D. Myles 

That the correspondence be received as information as printed and circulated.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen: Yes

Councillor Myles: Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.


Other Business

Deputy Mayor Myles questioned if short term accommodations (STAs) are permitted to operate during the Provincial Stay at Home Order. The Clerk and Bylaw Enforcement Officer confirmed that STAs are permitted for emergency housing purposes only and there are set fines in place.

Reading of By-Laws

Resolution #13-06-2021, Moved by J. Mielhausen, Seconded by L. Golden

By-law No. 2021-32

Being a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Special Council Meeting of The 

Corporation of The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula Held Wednesday, April 7, 


That the listed by-law(s) be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reading, and enacted.

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen: Yes

Councillor Myles: Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.



Resolution #13-07-2021, Moved by M. Myles, Seconded by L. Golden

THAT the meeting adjourns at 11:41 a.m. 

The Clerk proceeded to call and record the votes of Council:

Councillor Golden: Yes

Councillor Mielhausen: Yes

Councillor Myles: Yes

Deputy Mayor Myles: Yes

Mayor McIver: Yes 

The Clerk announced that the motion was carried.
