Lioness Spread Christmas Cheer Throughout Lion’s Head

Sue Latimer and Roberta Mielhausen man the goodie table at the Lioness Christmas Bazaar held December 1st in Lion’s Head.

Submitted by Shirley Teasdale

It was a busy, but fruitful day for Ferndale, Lion’s Head & District Lioness women as they helped kick off Christmas celebrations in Lion’s Head on Saturday, December 9. Early in the morning, Lioness women, led by Brenda Carroll, filled the Lion’s Head Friendship Hall with Christmas goodies. Counters were laden with pies, cookies, breads and candy, while tables awaited tired shoppers looking for a good lunch or a cup of hot coffee.

At 1 p.m. several Lioness women donned costumes and joined the always popular Lion’s Head Santa Claus Parade. Our team of lumberjacks included a heavily bearded Donna Dowding, our Honorary Lioness Dr. Dave Thomson with his trusty trumpet, and Dannah Oliver’s grandson Merson Boyer, who thoroughly enjoyed his part in the parade.

Christmas Greetings to all.

Lioness women donned costumes and joined the always popular Lion’s Head Santa Claus Parade on December 1st. Pictured are our team of lumberjacks (left to right) heavily bearded Donna Dowding, Jean Van Tooren, Roberta Mielhausen, our Honorary Lioness Dr. Dave Thomson with his trusty trumpet, Lynne Atchison, Dannah Oliver, Sue Ellen Boyle and Kris Matheson. In the cart, thoroughly enjoying his part in the parade, is Dannah Oliver’s grandson Merson Boyer.