At the May 13th Council Meeting, in regards to the Chief Building Official Report Re: Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Rd 40, council carried a motion to “direct staff to communicate with Shared Towers Inc regarding a request to restart the process surrounding the Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Rd 40”.
I understood that “restarting the process” meant starting again from the beginning. This would include a new site selection process and demonstration that the proponent looked at new alternative sites. This does not appear to have happened. The same site is proposed with similar constraints. So, without future extensions, the 75 Lindsay Rd. 40 site won’t get service to the people of Dyers Bay. The people of Dyers Bay aren’t interested in hosting a tower either. So, we have demand for better connectivity, but no interest in a tower.
Why are we not looking to alternatives like fiber optics and satellite networks!?
Charlie Anderson