June 8-9, Come and Celebrate with Us on Flowerpot Island
Submitted by Jane Greenhouse
Many activities are being planned at the Light Station on Flowerpot Island for this weekend celebration of the Friends 40th anniversary. Go NOW and book a passage on one of the tour boats so you don’t miss this party!
There will be lots happening both on Saturday and Sunday starting at Beachy Cove (where the boats dock). To begin with, to encourage the kids to enjoy the 35-minute trek to the light station, we will give them a “Scavenger Hunt list”. This will be things to look for, not to pick up or keep, while walking to the Light Station and, once there, more items to observe while exploring the grounds and buildings. To pick up this card stop at the “Keep the Bruce Clean and Green” display. Their representative will give you the Friends Scavenger Hunt card along with a souvenir pencil to take home.
Kids be sure to keep a good eye out on your walk for the first 4 items on the list and tick them off on the card you were given at the dock.
Hopefully it will be good weather. As you reach the destination having walked past the Flowerpots, banks of composting toilets, and the boat house and bungalow, you will see beautiful hand made quilts hanging outside. There they are draped in the open air to freshen up after the long winter, thus carrying on the tradition of “airing of the quilts”. Keep on walking to the main house where Mr. and Mrs. Lightkeeper will welcome you to their home and invite you to tour the house.
Kids can you find snakeskins on display in the house and the Flowerpot Lake Monster hiding somewhere inside?
In the new kitchen you have a chance to try your hand at rag rug making. There are many of these hand-woven rugs throughout the home. Upstairs new displays and photos have been prepared by the Friends beginning in 1984 when they established The Friends of Fathom Five. This later became The Friends of Bruce District Parks. In 1989 the friends initiated the Flowerpot Island Host Programme. This is the perfect opportunity to learn all about the Host Programme and how you can stay at the light station for two or three nights. Also be sure to take a tour of the beautifully renovated bungalow where the hosts stay.
On the veranda there are many rocking chairs for people to rest and enjoy the view. Also, there is a checkerboard here so why not challenge a friend to a game?
Kids look for the sign that tells you which snake has live babies and does not lay eggs?
On the grass, overlooking the lake, are picnic tables. Plan on bringing a picnic lunch but don’t bother to bring drinks or snacks. Buy these at the Tuck Shop (cash only) at the entrance to the Museum in the old kitchen. Between 1:00 and 2:00 pm on Saturday we will be sharing the Fortieth Anniversary Cake.
On the helipad, traditional games will be available for the kids to play such as jump rope, jacks and hopscotch. Friends members will be there to teach the games if needed.
Kids can show Mrs. Lightkeeper their completed “Scavenger Hunt list” for a snack and colour-it-yourself postcard.
The light keepers had to grow all their fresh produce. Be sure to tour the kitchen garden and notice the perennial herbs and rhubarb along with other recently planted vegetables.
Walk on past the garden and climb the step to the old “Loo with a View”. The Friends built this composing toilet when the only toilets on the island were at the boat dock. With the new bank of toilets built by the park the “Loo with a View” was decommissioned and now provides a perfect photo op!
If you choose to take the less travelled circular trail back to the boat dock, you will pass through a “new” growth of trees. On visits to Flowerpot Island in 1989, this was a meadow of wildflowers. It had been the main vegetable garden for the light keepers up to 1987 when the light became automated and no one lived on the island. Each year nature has taken over this garden, first with wildflowers, then grasses, then birch trees until finally you can hardly believe there was ever a garden here.
As you walk back to the boat dock keep an eye out for Orchids because this is a prime time and area to see them. While back at Beachy Cove waiting for your boat to Tobermory take a photo at the Keep the Bruce Clean and Green photo booth “DON’T BE A TOSSER”.
The Friends of Bruce District National Parks do hope you will join us and make our “Ruby” (40th) anniversary celebration a party to remember.