BPEG Makes Two Field Trips In Lieu of June/July Meetings

The Bruce Peninsula Environment Group (BPEG) visited the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (BOEC) on June 7.
Submitted by Joanne Rodgers, BPEG

The Bruce Peninsula Environment Group (BPEG) visited the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (BOEC) on June 7. The Centre recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary.

The group was pleased to learn more about the programs offered, the facilities and the history of the property. They toured the Lodge and Dining Hall, Classroom facilities and the Ray Fenton Barn. They also visited the ES Fox Observatory located on the property and run by the Bluewater Astronomical Society. 

BOEC offers the 17,400 school children of the Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB) the opportunity to discover the wonders of the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula through experiential and environmentally focused learning. 

The 320 acre property, located at 3092 Bruce County Road 13, Wiarton/South Bruce Peninsula (between Wiarton and Oliphant), has a myriad of ecosystems from wetlands, woodlands and meadows which support migration paths for birds, habitat for amphibians, insects, mammals, and other local wildlife. The site is a designated Dark Sky Preserve.

For more information: https://oec.bwdsb.on.ca/home and https://bef-oec.org.

Tour of Rooted By The Bluffs

On July 5, the BPEG group visited By the Bluffs, and toured the ecological farm which includes a plant nursery and a mixed fruit and nut orchard in development. The nursery focuses on medicinal, edible, and native perennials, including shrubs and trees. The farm also produces vegetables and organic meat and eggs.

Photo: On July 5, the BPEG group visited By the Bluffs.

Host Julie Lamberts demonstrated the use of both native and non-native plants within her gardens that offer biodiversity and have a myriad of uses. Lamberts talked about various polyculture systems, which serve to keep out bugs and weeds, attract beneficial insects, encourage groundcovers as living mulch and supply plant material to feed the trees.

The property is located at 170513 Centre Road, Georgian Bluffs, Ontario (north of Lake Charles). 

For more information: https://rootedbythebluffs.ca/

The next BPEG meeting is August 2, Anglican Church Hall, 7 p.m. Speaker Trace MacKay will present on Veterinarians without Borders Canada Northern Animal Health Initiative: One Health (the interaction of human, animal and environmental health) in action in Gjoa Haven, Nunavut.