Letter: Hellyer’s Foodland Goes the Extra Mile


I was purchasing my own groceries in Hellyer’s Foodland just after the “stay at home” pandemic orders came into effect. I witnessed a male shopper enter the store with his wife. The store kept track of allowable customers by having each person take a cart, regardless of the number of items they planned to purchase. The store employee at the door politely asked the man and woman to both take a cart. The man was argumentative, rude and refused to take a cart even after an explanation was given. 

I tell you all of this because it bothered me. I find the store owners and all of their employees very helpful and very friendly. 

When shopping for the Lion’s Head & District Food Bank the staff go above and beyond to fill our large hamper orders. They accommodate our requests for special orders of food items when they are on sale. They contact us when there is a good price on ground beef so we can buy extra and get a bigger bang for our buck. 

Do they need to be yelled at, cursed at or ignored? No, no and no!! 

I would like to publicly acknowledge the service these essential employees provide for our community. You are appreciated! Keep up the great work! 

Darlene Myles