Life Around Tobermory United… From The Desk Of The Lazy Theologian


Annual Civic Holiday Chicken BBQ Saturday July 31st

Submitted by Brad Inglis

Have you received your call? The wait is over and if you haven’t received it, you soon will. Not for your second Covid shot – Vi Adams will be calling you about your Chicken Barbecue Tickets. 

That’s right, mark your calendar for Saturday July 31st, the traditional Civic Holiday Long weekend. And the dessert will be one of my world-famous carrot cupcakes (mini carrot cakes). My elves will be working with me in the kitchen to create my (not so secret recipe) carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing. 

Who would have thought, a year later we would still be doing drive-thru and it would be working so well? Prepay your tickets, pick up your dinners and have a backyard picnic without the hassle of having to hunt down parking and sweating in the Community Centre. This year we have it down to a fine art – unlike last year when we ran out of chicken, over sold the tickets and I frantically threw myself to the ground so that those who missed their dinner could drive over me. 

You can purchase your tickets online by e-transfer or call and make arrangements at 519-596-2227 (if Vi hasn’t nabbed you first).

Church Open at 25% Capacity

As part of the Provincial Protocol and being in Step 2 until later in July, the church is open for in person Sunday service. We are limited to 22 people (25% of total occupancy) in the church right now and you still need to call ahead to book a spot. This is so that you don’t arrive and are disappointed if we are already at our maximum and we also have to continue to track those in attendance as part of the covid protocol. You can leave a message on the church answering machine 519-596-2394 or email 

Rules and capacity will change again once we enter into Step 3 and we will keep you informed. You can always go to our webpage as well to get information, see past recorded services, find out community information, see our selection of past Tedtalks, find LGBTQ2S+2spirited resources, see pictures and learn about our community partners.

If you haven’t looked at our webpage in a while, check it out it will give you a wealth of information. Martin Hogarth gets the credit for designing it and maintaining it. With the help of our admin assistant, Nicole Boorse, she and Martin manage the page and browbeat me for content on a daily basis, not to mention try and keep me organized. If you would like to be on our email list to receive our weekly e-blasts, just send me an email and we are happy to add you and you can get off at any time. 

Our Sunday services will continue to be streamed live on Youtube every week at 10:30am and you can see them anytime throughout the week. I guess this is what they call hybrid church – live in person and online as well. At the end of the day it is about making church more accessible in these changing times. Our motto continues to be, come as you are, come when you can, we welcome the seeker, the questioner, the long-timer, those wanting to re-visit their faith and everyone in between – all are welcome. 

…and one final note – don’t forget to visit our Thrift Shop, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 to 4pm. Start your Christmas shopping, buy back what you have already donated or get a whole new wardrobe – new treasures arrive every week!

Brad Inglis is the minister at Tobermory United Church. He can be reached at
