Volunteers at the joint Tuesday Pancake Supper serve up delicious pancakes.
Submitted by Jim Dilamarter

Rotary was pleased to help again with the Harbourside Inside Valentine Event. It was a great success with almost 100 people attending. Rotary decorated the hall and ran the bar. Rosehip and Chai (Heidi Neumann) looked after preparing delicious food and the local musicians put together by the Harbourside Inside group did an excellent job with the entertainment. We hope everyone continues to attend these events as they are so much fun for all.

The next Harbourside Inside is March 13th (a Friday) with doors open at 7 P.M. The theme for this event is ‘Folk and Traditional Fun’. Come and join us.

Rotary extends special thanks to Rod Layman and John Fenton who have volunteered countless hours running new wiring so that the electronics in the hall work so well. What great people to have in our community.

Family Day at the Rotary Hall

On February 17th, Family Day was celebrated in style at the Rotary Hall. The event, sponsored by Ida’s Crafty Nook, Aunt Donkey’s and the Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula attracted more than 200 people during the day. Thank you to all the community volunteers and sponsors for taking part in crafts, face painting, and the delicious food. It was a complete success.

: Kids enjoying the Family Day festivities at the Rotary Hall in Lion’s Head. The day was made possible by sponsors Ida’s Crafty Nook, Aunt Donkey’s and the Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula.

It continues to make all Rotarians proud to see how much the Rotary Hall is being used by our community. It is, indeed, a treasure for us all.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Rotary joined forces with Christ Anglican Church on February 25th and hosted a Pancake Dinner at the Rotary Hall. It was a wonderful event and the response was excellent. 135 people attended and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. This was an excellent cooperative venture and both the church members and the Rotarians enjoyed the opportunity to host this event. Thanks to all our helpers and to all who attended.

Photo Credit: Joanne Rodgers, Bruce Peninsula Press Photo: 135 people enjoyed the Rotary Club/Christ Church Anglican Shrove Tuesday Supper.
Photo Credit: Joanne Rodgers, Bruce Peninsula Press Photo: Volunteers hard at work during the Rotary Club/Christ Church Anglican Shrove Tuesday Supper.

The Lion’s Head Lighthouse Project

Our Club is excited about participating in the fundraising event at the Lion’s Head Arena on Saturday, May 16th with proceeds going to the rebuilding of our Lighthouse destroyed in last fall’s storms. Kyle Lougheed is organizing a concert. The Lioness Club will be looking after the food and Rotary will be handling the bar. Plans are underway and you will be hearing more about this great event in the near future. Mark your calendars.

Rotary Boat Auction and Spaghetti Dinner

Other dates to mark on your calendar for this spring would be May 22nd and May 23rd. Embleton Auctions will be holding a ‘boat auction’ with the proceeds going to the Bruce Peninsula District School. Proceeds from the dinner will be going to our club’s Rotary Scholarship fund which also supports our local High School students. This will be an exciting weekend.

More details will become available but the dinner is SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 23rd at the Rotary Hall. Marydale Ashcroft will be catering the dinner assisted by the students of Bruce Peninsula District School. This is a family event. There will be no bar. The food will be delicious as usual.

Rotarians Opt for Police Checks

At a recent meeting, the Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula passed a motion that any members who will be dealing in any way with the youth of our community must have a police screening completed. We feel it is incumbent that each of us make certain we are doing all we can to protect our young people. Many of our members already have had this completed and others will be going through the process as soon as it can be arranged.

We are very proud to have taken this important step as our club prides itself on the many projects we do for and with our local school community. We also have activities with the residents of Golden Dawn. This screening is a ‘vulnerable sectors’ check and, therefore, includes, both youth and seniors. 

Rotarian Dave Mansfield is the ‘Youth Protection Officer’ in the club and is coordinating this program. We thank Dave for this initiative.

Upcoming Dates

•March 3rd and March 17th Rotary Meetings. If you are interested in joining us, please contact a local member for more information. We welcome guests who are interested in becoming members or learning more about Rotary.