Resource Conservation Report Could Indicate Slight Decline in Bear Population Within Park

Threats to Bruce Peninsula bears.

The following is an excerpt from the 2018 Annual Resource Conservation Report for Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park.


Research has shown that the American Black Bear population of the Northern Bruce Peninsula (NBP) is genetically distinct and geographically isolated, meaning that the population is extremely vulnerable. This season, park staff worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to collect data from 50 barbed-wire hair traps on the NBP.
The number of hair samples collected within the park (31 stations) was up 226% from 2015. Although this may seem like an increase in the number of bears, 42% of the samples came from a single station. The actual number of stations where samples were collected decreased by one (as seen in the attached figure) and could indicate a decline in the distribution of bears within the park.
The genetic results of this survey will enable us to estimate and establish bear population trends on the peninsula.

The hair trap stations were visited by some agile cubs!

For more information on the annual report email Parks Canada at
All Photos/Graphics Credit: Resource Conservation at Bruce Peninsula/Fathom Five – 2018 Report