Submitted by Jacqui Wakefield, Tobermory Community Gardens Group
After a cold and snowy winter, longer days signal the coming of warmer spring weather (we hope!). For those who like to garden, spring is the time to start planting. Seeds for cool weather crops like lettuce, spinach, beets and radishes can go directly into the ground. It is also the time when herbs like chives and thyme sprout back into action and welcome an early cutting.
The Tobermory Community Garden is thriving – thanks to gardeners, volunteers, donors, and the generosity of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula. Since it began in 2014, the garden has grown steadily and is “open for planting” again this year. The garden is one part of the multi-use Tobermory Community Park on Centennial Drive adjacent to The Meeting Place. The garden currently has two small tabletop beds for herbs and greens, a tomato patch, a container-planter section for potatoes and carrots, and eleven raised garden beds (all 4 feet by 8 feet). Two of the raised beds are for communal use, and two are dedicated to a “pumpkin patch” for children at St Edmunds School and Primary Place Day Care. This year, with the help of a community grant from the Municipality, we are refurbishing some of our older built gardens and we are planning to add some fruit trees and berry bushes.
Over the years, many gardeners have had great harvests using the Square Foot Gardening method (see photo).
We use a pesticide-free approach. If you are interested, for the 2019 season there are two available 4X8 raised gardens all set to go. You can have a garden space for yourself or share it with family or friends or as a group. Just think of producing lots of fresh vegetables throughout the summer and fall! No experience is required. We plant and learn together. Tending your garden is stress free leisure activity and working people can garden on their own schedule.
All the Community Garden group asks is for community gardeners to try to participate in occasional work parties, helping with composting, mulching, and fall cleanup.
The fall also offers a fun opportunity to harvest with our young gardeners from Primary Place Day Care and help continue with their experiential learning.
If you are interested in gardening this year at the Community Garden, please call The Meeting Place at 519-596-2313 or e-mail and leave your name, phone number and if you are a group, let us know about who you are. Spring planting is just around the corner.