Tobermory United Receives One-of-a-Kind Altar Decorations


Stopped in Awe: News from Tobermory United

Submitted by Rev. Sheryl Spencer 

In December, Tobermory United received the second in a series of altar decorations that are being created for the Tobermory United sanctuary by fabric artist Jo Lane. The latest set is for the Advent and Christmas liturgical seasons. The pulpit banner shows a meticulously created lighthouse shining over a body of water with an island in the background. The lighthouse is inspired by the Big Tub Lighthouse. The stars in the sky, which are actually Swarovski crystals, include the constellation of Ursa Minor, or the Little Dipper. In the centre of the Christmas star is Polaris, the North Star. The Communion table cloth includes a series of candles that depict the candles that are lit each week in the weeks preceding Christmas. 

When these altar decorations were revealed, there were tears and gasps. To have such one-of-a-kind pieces of art, especially ones that reflect local geography and culture in the Tobermory United sanctuary is a true blessing for all involved. Jo Lane says of this commission: “Anytime I am able to include images of this landscape in a project is the ultimate inspiration. I knew here that I needed to include Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper) with Polaris (the North Star) at its tip, because it is always visible on the horizon here and has been a forever guide for our ancestors who braved these waters for centuries.” 

The creation of these altar decorations is made possible by a gift given to Tobermory United upon the passing of local artist Jan MacDonald. It is hoped that Jan’s commitment to beauty carries on in the beauty of these tapestries. 

Rev. Sheryl Spencer is the minister at Tobermory United Church.