Keep the Bruce Clean & Green Gives Back To Community

Submitted by KTBC&G

Keep the Bruce Clean and Green (KTBC&G) is thankful to the community for donating and supporting our bottle return. We were able to put big smiles on many faces! As promised, all proceeds from our bottle return initiative go back to the community.

Just ask the Tobermory Legion Branch 290 executive and the Anglican Church and the United Church executives. KTBC&G were ale to donate $400.00 to go towards the purchase of reusable, environmentally friendly, take out containers for their community dinners. With Earth Day just around the corner, take pride in knowing that none of the latest community dinners contributed to unnecessary waste.

We thank all of you for recognizing the importance of reusing, reducing, recycling and always showing respect. Let’s encourage each other to “Rethink” and treat every day like Earth Day!

Your refundable bottles are always welcomed at 182 Cape Hurd Road or call 519-596-2649 and we will pick them up!