Submitted by Rob Hiscott
Our next Trivia Night at Rotary Hall is scheduled for Friday, June 21st from 7:30 to 9:30 PM (with doors opening at 7:00 PM), to be hosted by Caeli Mazara and Eric Perez. There will be a $5.00 entry fee, Rotarians will tend bar, and snacks will be available for purchase. As always, those participating can organize their own teams or join an existing team, with typically four to six people per team. These monthly Trivia Night events have become very popular with the community since first introduced, and have been held at Rotary Hall since September 2023. Come out and test your trivia knowledge and have some fun – hope to see you there!
Next Rotary Pancake Breakfast June 30th
Our next scheduled Pancake Breakfast will be held on the Canada Day weekend, on Sunday, June 30th at the Rotary Pavilion next to Lion’s Head Beach. Rotarians and Friends of Rotary will be serving breakfasts which will include pancakes with real maple syrup, scrambled eggs, pork sausages, hash browns, orange juice and coffee/tea. The cost is $15.00 per adult, or $7.00 for children aged 12 and under. Rotary now accepts payment in the form of cash or debit/credit card (via Square card reader). This will be the second of four community Pancake Breakfasts scheduled for the Sundays of each holiday weekend from May to September – come out for a delicious breakfast and support your local Rotary Club in its fundraising efforts for the community! We hope to see you there!
Rotary thanks our individual and business sponsors for their generous support of our community Pancake Breakfasts – a full list of our 2023-24 Pancake Breakfast sponsors can be found on our Club website at Rotary welcomes and thanks our newest 2024 sponsors, Rydall Contracting (Cory and Wes Rydall).
It takes a considerable amount of work to set up and put on these community Pancake Breakfasts and all Rotarians are thankful and appreciative of the great support received from our many ‘Friends of Rotary’ who help out in many ways, from working the grills to preparing the food, to setting up and serving breakfasts to customers. If you would like to volunteer as a ‘Friend of Rotary’, please contact any Rotarian with our Club for further information!