Members Present: Mayor – Milt McIver, Deputy Mayor – Rod Anderson, Councillor – Todd Dowd, Councillor – Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Councillor – Aman Sohrab
Staff Present: Chief Administrative Officer – Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Clerk – Cathy Addison, Committee/Licensing Coordinator – Lindsay Forbes, Public Works Manager – Troy Cameron, GIS/IT Manager – Kara Smith, Chief Building Official – Wendy Elliott, Bylaw Enforcement Officer – Carol Hopkins, Parks and Facilities Manager – Mark Coleman
Others Present: Bruce County Planner, Megan Stansfield, Planning Consultant, Ron Davidson, Save Georgian Bay, Tom Buck
Note: Members of Council and staff were present in the Municipal Office Council Chamber and the meeting was held via zoom, an electronic platform, for members of the public to view.
Call to Order and Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
Mayor McIver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and Council members were reminded to disclose any pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof that may arise during the meeting.
Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That the content of the agenda be approved as presented.
Adoption of the Minutes
Re: Council Meeting No. 24-12, April 22, 2024
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the minutes of Council Meeting No. 24-12, April 22, 2024, be approved as printed and circulated.
Re: Special Council Meeting No. 24-13, April 26, 2024
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the minutes of Special Council Meeting No. 24-13, April 26, 2024, be approved as printed and circulated.
Public Meeting
Bruce County Planner, Megan Stansfield
Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski)
Mayor McIver welcomed Bruce County Planner, Megan Stansfield, to the May 13, 2024, Council Meeting.
Bruce County Planner, Megan Stansfield, provided an overview of Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski). The following was noted:
· The purpose of this application is to sever a residential lot on which a new dwelling will be erected; and, to retain a residential lot containing an existing dwelling and accessory buildings.
· The subject parcel, 193 Tamarac Road, displays as two parcels, with two roll numbers, and two tax bills are issued to the owner. A lawyer has since confirmed that the parcels have merged on title, and the property owner is looking to re-establish the two lots. A zoning bylaw amendment is required to facilitate the severance.
· The property is zoned R2 – Resort Residential. The zoning requires a minimum lot frontage of 35 metres and a minimum lot area of 3000 square metres. These provisions are generally required to ensure there is adequate space for a dwelling and servicing. The provisions also promote consistency in lot size and configuration.
· While the proposal results in two parcels that are slightly undersized, with reduced frontages, the lots will be more consistent with the surrounding parcel fabric.
· The proposed new lots are within the range of and slightly larger than the average lot and frontage seen on this stretch of Tamarac Road.
· A Nitrate Assessment was completed for the property to ensure that nitrate attenuation levels at the property boundaries would not exceed the Provincial threshold of 10 mg/L. The report noted that a tertiary treatment system would be required on each lot to meet this requirement. This requirement will be incorporated into the special provisions of the by-law. The installation of tertiary treatment systems supports the reduced lot sizes.
· The proposed severed and retained parcels fronts Lake Huron, and would be subject Section 6.30 of the Northern Bruce Peninsula Zoning By-Law, which requires setbacks from the water in distance and elevation. There is sufficient space and elevation to accommodate a new dwelling on the proposed retained lot, and therefore outside of any potential natural hazard area.
· We received several public comments from surrounding neighbours. The full comments are attached below. The letters centered around an objection to intensification of the Stokes Bay area, particularly an increase in the number of lots, dwellings, and potential for noise and activity along the shoreline. The commenters were not agreeable to reduced frontages and lot sizes. As noted above, the new lots will be consistent with the existing lot fabric. The addition of one residential development is not expected to impact the surrounding natural environment, nor greatly increase the traffic or noise in the area.
· Noise by-laws and STA permit enforcement are solely the responsibility of the municipality.
Planning Consultant, Ron Davidson, appeared in person at the Council meeting and provided an overview on Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski).
It was noted that Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski) conforms with the Bruce County Official Plan surrounding lot creation and severance policies.
It was further noted that the results of the Nitrate Study support the potential construction of an individual cottage on the severed lot.
Mayor McIver opened the meeting to questions from Council at this time.
Discussion ensued surrounding the merging of the two parcels.
Deputy Mayor Anderson noted this application could double an existing problem regarding Short-term Accommodations.
Mayor McIver opened the meeting to members of the public at this time.
Brian Allen appeared in person at the public meeting and stated that the regulations are not being upheld regarding the Short-term Accommodation within the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula.
Mayor McIver noted that the statement does not pertain to Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski).
Mayor McIver instructed Brian Allen to contact the By-law Department for complaints surrounding the property.
The Clerk noted that the Zoom attendees had no questions or comments with regards to the application.
Mayor McIver closed the public meeting at this time.
Deputy Mayor Anderson commented surrounding the comments received surrounding Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski). He further commented on his apprehension to support the proposed amendment due to the issues associated with the operation of a Short-term Accommodation at the property.
Ron Davidson requested that a reason for the rejection of Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 (Ziolkoski) be included within the resolution from Council.
Ron Davidson noted that the anticipated severance application would be placed on hold until the zoning issue is resolved.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council opposed the Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2023-092 by Ziolkoski c/o Davidson, as Council did not agree with the increase density that could result in the application being recommended.
Save Georgian Bay, Tom Buck (In person) and Rupert Kindersley (Zoom)
Re: TC Energy Pumped Storage Energy Plant
Mayor McIver welcomed Tom Buck and Rupert Kindersley to the May 13, 2024, Council Meeting.
Tom Buck appeared in person at the Council Meeting and provided a delegation surrounding the prepared TC Energy Pumped Storage Energy Plant.
Tom Buck stated that Save Georgian Bay is a grassroots organization committed to stopping TC Energy’s proposal for a pumped storage energy plant which is anticipated to cause harm to the Niagara Escarpment and pose significant risks to the ecosystem and waters of Georgian Bay.
IT was noted that 40,000 online signatures and 3,500 physical signatures regarding the opposition of the proposed project to date.
Tom Buck stated that the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has rejected this project twice in the past.
It was stated that TC Energy’s proposal would not effectively support Ontario’s transition to renewable energy sources as;
· It will take too long to build and may not be needed by the time construction is completed
· It is too far from energy demand and the grid – requiring new transmission lines
· It will waste more energy than alternative energy storage solutions
It was noted that no open loop pumped storage plants, such as the one proposed by TC Energy, have been built in 60 years in North America.
It was noted that the scale and proximity of the project to residential areas and the Niagara Escarpment raises concerns for residents.
It was noted that several environmental impact studies have been conducted by Save Georgian Bay surrounding the project and are available upon request.
It was noted that the proposed project is anticipated to encompass 500 acres of the Niagara Escarpment.
Discussion ensued regarding the pipeline breaks associated with TC Energy.
It was noted that TC Energy’s project would increase CO2 emissions as opposed to mitigating emissions.
Discussion ensued surrounding the benefits associated with battery storage.
It was noted that hydro costs trending up, whereas battery costs are trending down
It was noted that four (4) other municipalities within Georgian Bay have not supported the project.
Rupert Kindersley was unable to participate in the delegation due to microphone issues.
Mayor McIver opened the delegation to questions from Council at this time
Mayor McIver inquired regarding the stance from the Municipality of Meaford on this project.
Tom Buck noted that Council for the Municipality of Meaford had a split vote surrounding the project.
Deputy Mayor Anderson inquired surrounding the potential employment associated with the project.
Tom Buck noted that TC Energy is proposed 1000 jobs for the construction of the plant, however following completion only 22 jobs would be available.
Discussion ensued surrounding the utilization of power from the grid to support the proposed Pumped Storage Energy Plant.
Mayor McIver thanked Tom Buck for his presentation.
Consideration of Agenda Items
1. Committee and Licensing Coordinator Report No. CLC 24-03
Re: Proposed amendments to the Short-term Accommodation Licensing Program
Discussion ensued surrounding the information contained in Committee and Licensing Coordinator Report No. CLC 24-03.
It was noted that a report will be presented to Council surrounding the approved amendments at the May 27, 2024, Council meeting.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That Council receives CLC Report No. 24-03, entitled “Proposed amendments to the Short-term Accommodation Licensing Program”; and
That Council approves the expansion of the program to RU1, RU2, and C1-a Zones; and
That Council approves the reduction of the cap from 700 to 500 licences; and
That Council approves the exclusion of properties located in RU1, RU2, and C1-a Zones from obtaining Class C Short-term Accommodation Licence; and
That existing Class C Short-term Accommodation Licences in RU1, RU2 and C1-a Zones be grandfathered into the Short-term Accommodation Licensing Program.
2. Pubic Works Manager Report No. PW 24-13
Re: 2023 Tobermory Primary Place Centre Drinking Water System Annual Report
It was noted that this report is an annual report reflecting the facility in 2023. It was further noted that the facility’s system is now tested weekly under different water regulations.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives Public Works Department Report PW 24-13 titled 2023 Tobermory Primary Place Daycare Centre Drinking Water System Annual Report, as information.
3. Pubic Works Manager Report No. PW 24-13
Re: Eastnor Work Shed Repairs
It was noted that the quote contained in Pubic Works Manager Report No. PW 24-13 includes new steel for the exterior of the building.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives Public Works Department Report PW 24-14 titled Eastnor Work Shed Repairs, and
THAT Council direct Staff to proceed with Martin’s Insulation Inc. quote of $97,045.00, excluding HST to complete the Eastnor Work Shed Repairs.
4. Chief Building Official Report No. BD 24-14
Re: Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Road 40 “Additional Information”
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives BD Report No. 24-14, entitled “Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Road 40 “Additional Information”, as information.
5. Chief Building Official Report No. BD 24-10 – Deferred Report from April 22, 2024, Council Meeting
Re: Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Rd 40
Councillor Golden commented on the public consultation process which was conducted by Shared Tower. It was noted that proper public consultation is required regarding projects such as the proposed cell tower at 75 Lindsay Road 40.
Discussion ensued surrounding the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) public consultation process and the demand for effective cell phone coverage within the area.
Deputy Mayor Anderson noted that he would be voting non-concurrence as a means to restart the public consultation process. He further noted that he supports cell phone towers but noted the need for better public consultation.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed site for the cell tower and the need for sufficient public consultation.
Mayor McIver commented on the proposed cell tower and noted that although public consultation did not meet the standards for members of Council, it did meet the standards of ISEDs Default Public Consultation Process.
Discussion ensued surrounding the role of Council regarding assurance that accurate information is released to the public for such projects.
It was noted that Shared Tower is able to submit their application to ISED despite the vote of non-concurrence.
Following discussion, the mover and seconder consented to the withdrawal of motion #14-09-2024.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council supports the request to restart the public consultation process for the proposed cell tower at 75 Lindsay Road 40.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council supports the request to restart the public consultation process for the proposed cell tower at 75 Lindsay Road 40.
Motion Withdrew
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council directs staff to communicate with Shared Towers Inc regarding a request to restart the process surrounding the Proposed Cell Tower.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives BD Report 24-10, entitled “Proposed Cell Tower – 75 Lindsay Rd 40”, and
That Council provides direction of non-concurrence for this proposal, and
That a copy of Council’s decision be provided to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).
6. Chief Building Official Report No. BD 24-11
Re: No Demand for Services Site Plan Control Agreement
Owners: Ms. Jocelyn Lenore C. Daunt & Ms. Christine Mary Greudanus
Con 9 EBR Pt Lot 16 Subj To Row 167 Carter Road
Assessment Roll No. 4109-660-003-19100-0000
Property Identifier Number (PIN): 33110-0110 (LT)
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That, the registration of a No Demand for Services Site Plan Control Agreement requested by Ms. Jocelyn Lenore C. Daunt & Ms. Christine Mary Greydanus, owners of the property legally described as Con 9 EBR Pt Lot 16 Subj To Row and located at 167 Carter Road, Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula be approved.
7. Chief Building Official Report No. BD 24-12
Re: Trailer Agreement
Applicant/Owner (s): Mrs. Sophia Rowe & Mr. Martin Henry Rowe
Plan 571 Lot 172
64 Howard Bowman Drive
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, County of Bruce
Assessment Roll No. 41 09 680 002 27900 0000
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the Trailer Agreement requested by Mrs. Sophia Rowe & Mr. Martin Henry Rowe for the property legally described as Plan 571 Lot 172 (41 09 680 002 27900 0000) Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula be approved, and;
That the owner acknowledges that the building being constructed will be substantially completed and ready for occupancy within one (1) year from date of signing of the Trailer Agreement.
8. Chief Building Official Report No. BD 24-13
Re: Trailer Agreement
Applicant/Owner (s): Mr. Thomas Paul Nestman & Ms. Kendall Ann Flower
Plan 3M199 Lot 1
208 Greenough Point Road
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, County of Bruce
Assessment Roll No. 41 09 660 001 33412 0000
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That the Trailer Agreement requested by Mr. Thomas Paul Nestman & Ms. Kendall Ann Flower for the property legally described as Plan 3M199 Lot 1 (41 09 660 001 33412 0000) Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula be approved, and;
That the owner acknowledges that the building being constructed will be substantially completed and ready for occupancy within one (1) year from date of signing of the Trailer Agreement.
9. Parks and Facilities Manager Report No. PF 24-05
Re: RFP Results for Lion’s Head Community Centre Building Condition Assessment
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd
Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives Parks and Facilities Report PF 24-05 regarding RFP Results for Lion’s Head Community Centre Building Condition Assessment as information; and
That Council accepts and approves the Proposal from Facility Risk Solutions Ltd., in the amount of $9,850.00 + HST.
10. Parks and Facilities Manager Report No. PF 24-06
Re: RFP Results for Vehicle Purchases for Building, By-law, and Parks and Facilities Departments
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd
Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives Parks and Facilities Report PF 24-05 regarding RFP Results for Vehicle Purchases for Building, By-law, and Park and Facilities Departments as information; and
That Council accepts the proposal from Owen Sound Honda for the supply and delivery of three (3) new 2024 Honda CRV AWD EX-L Hybrid SUV’s in the colour white in the amount of $147,638.76 + Licencing + HST; and
That Council directs staff to enter into the purchase order of said vehicles.
11. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Report No. MLEO 24-04
Re: Bylaw Enforcement Officer Appointments 2024
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council receives MLEO Report 24-04 with regards to Bylaw Enforcement Officer Appointments Updates: and
That Council considers the passage of By-law No. 2024-37 appointing said individuals as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, at today’s meeting.
12. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Report No. MLEO 24-05
Re: Letter of Agreement for Parking on Chi sin tib dek Road
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council receives MLEO Report 24-05 with regards to a Letter of Agreement with Parks Canada for the collection of Parking Fees by Parks Canada on Chi Sin tib dek Road: and
That Council supports the passage of Bylaw No. 2024-38, being a bylaw to authorize an agreement between Parks Canada and the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula as it relates to the Letter of Agreement for Chi sin tib dek Road at its regular meeting today May 13, 2024.
13. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Report No. MLEO 24-06
Re: Agreement for the Sale of Daily Family/Group Entry Permits to Bruce Peninsula National Park at Little Cove Road.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council receives MLEO Report 24-06 with regards to an Agreement for the Sale of Daily Family/Group Entry Permits to Bruce Peninsula National Park at Little Cove Road: and
That Council supports the passage of By-law No. 2024-39, being a by-law to authorize an Agreement for the Sale of Daily Family/Group Entry Permits to Bruce Peninsula National Park at Little Cove Road at today’s regular meeting May 13, 2024.
14. Clerk Report No. C 24-19
Re: File Number – B/R/2023-2024/396
Applicant/Owners: Takuma Handa
Location: Part Lot 2 Concession 10 EBR
No 911 assigned
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula (Eastnor), County of Bruce
Roll Number: 410962000905503
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That Council directs staff to submit the Municipality’s comments to the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC), regarding the Development Permit application submitted by the owner, Takuma Handa Simon, for Part Lot 2, Concession 10 EBR, Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula (Eastnor), County of Bruce is seeking approval to undertake the following on a vacant lot 0.28 ha (0.69 acres) and perform following work:
• Construct a new one- storey ± 74.0 sq m single dwelling with a maximum height of ± 9.62 m and a ± 11 sq m attached deck;
• A greywater leaching pit (no septic system; dwelling proposed to be serviced by an electric incinerating toilet),
• Install removable, seasonal, roll-in sectional aluminum dock 5.9 sq m;
• Install rainwater cistern tank and supplementary lake water intake pipe or shore well;
• Tree clearing. And that the Senior Management reviewed the request for comments and noted the following be provided:
1. The applicant will need to apply for a 911 number from the municipality and have installed at the end of the street near the boat launch area.
2. The applicant will need to enter into a No Demand for Services Agreement with the Municipality.
15. Clerk Report No. C 24-20
Re: File Number – B/L/2023-2024/397
Owner: Bruce Trail Conservancy
Applicant/Agent: Adam Brylowski, Bruce Trail Conservancy
Location: Lot 18, Part Lot 19, Concession 8 EBR
388 Cape Chin Road North
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula (Lindsay), County of Bruce
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council directs staff to submit the Municipality’s comments to the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC), regarding the Development Permit application submitted by the owner, Bruce Trail Conservancy, for Lot 18, Part Lot 19, Concession 8 EBR, Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula (Lindsay), County of Bruce is seeking approval to undertake the following on a vacant lot 74.46 ha (184 acres) and perform the following work:
· To construct a ± 807.5 sq m parking area (42.5 m x 19 m) to provide 20 parking spots for Bruce Trail users, importation of granular A fill to a depth of ± 0.25 m to grade parking lot level, and installation of a portable toilet and garbage/recycling receptacles.
And that the Senior Management reviewed the request for comments and noted the following be provided:
· Ensure garbage/recycling receptacles are “bear proof”;
· parking provisions are implemented for parking width, length, maneuvering, and accessible parking requirements with accessible signage;
· appropriate signage items like “no overnight camping” to be installed;
· The municipality is not responsible for the private parking lot area;
· No overflow parking will be allowed on the municipal road.
16. Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 24-10
Re: StrategyCorp Inc. Agreement
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That Council receives the report titled, StrategyCorp Inc. Agreement and;
That Council authorizes Chief Administrative Officer to execute an Agreement between the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula and StrategyCorp Inc. for Intergovernmental Services and Relationship with the County of Bruce research; and
That By-law 2024-42, being a By-Law to Authorize an Agreement Between StrategyCorp Inc. and the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula, be adopted at the May 27, 2024, regular Council meeting.
17. Chief Administrative Officer Report No. CAO 24-11
Re: 1st Quarter Operational Report
Discussion ensued surrounding information regarding insurance fees for municipal facilities.
It was noted that the Treasurer will provide a schedule for payment of insurance to Council to provide clarification.
Moved by Councillor Aman Sohrab, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council receives the report titled 1st Quarter Operational Report.
18. Accounts Payable Voucher
Re: April 2024
An itemized receipt for streetlight repairs was requested by Council.
Public Works Manager, Troy Cameron, noted that 13 streetlights have been replaced in Tobermory Quarter 2 of 2024. He further noted that he will send his records to Council for review.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council receives approved Accounts Payable Voucher for April 2024, in the amount of $1,151,874.41.
19. Museum Committee
Re: April 2, 2024, Meeting Minutes
It was noted that a new Museum and Recreation Programmer has been hired for the St. Edmunds Bruce Peninsula Museum on a one year contract.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That the minutes of Museum Committee Meeting No. 24-03, April 2, 2024, and all actions contained therein be approved as printed and circulated.
20. Chi Cheemaun Festival Committee
Re: April 24, 2024, Meeting Minutes
It was noted that a full list of events will be included in the upcoming issue of the Bruce Peninsula Press.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the minutes of Chi Cheemaun Festival Committee Meeting No. 24-04, April 24, 2024, and all actions contained therein be approved as printed and circulated.
21. Municipal Drainage Committee
Re: April 29, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the minutes of Municipal Drainage Committee Meeting No. 24-01, April 29, 2024, and all actions contained therein be approved as printed and circulated.
That the Municipal Drainage Committee requests that Council increase the Beaver Bounty from $25 to $30 to match the bounty offered by Bruce County; and
That Council approves the Municipal Drainage Committee the ability to request the Fire Department drones to assist with drainage monitoring as required; and
That Public Works Manager, Troy Cameron, act as a liaison between the Municipal Drainage Committee and the Fire Department regarding the scheduling of drainage monitoring with the drone.
22. Cemetery Committee
Re: April 30, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That the minutes of Cemetery Committee Meeting No. 24-01, April 30, 2024, and all actions contained therein be approved as printed and circulated.
Other Business
Councillor Golden requested information surrounding the Electric Vehicle Chargers in Tobermory.
Councillor Golden resigned from the Grey Bruce Detachment Joint Board.
Councillor Dowd was nominated to fill the vacant position on the Grey Bruce Detachment Joint Board.
Deputy Mayor, Rod Anderson, inquired regarding an Emergency Management Update from Fire Chief Jack Burt.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the Council of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula accepts the resignation of Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden from the Grey Bruce Detachment Joint Board , effective May 13, 2024.
Moved by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That the Council of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula appoints Councillor Todd Dowd to the Grey Bruce Detachment Joint Board, as the Municipal representative, effective May 13, 2024.
1. Shelley Wright (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
2. Sheena Symington (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
3. Margreet Van Den Berg (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
4. Dr. Magda Havas (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
5. Laura Vanderaa (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
6. Laura Vanderaa (Information)
Re: Proposed radiocommunication tower
7. Parks Canada (Information)
Re: National Marine Conservation Areas General Regulations
It was noted that Council were expecting a meeting with Parks Canada surrounding the National Marine Conservation Areas General Regulations,
Discussion ensued surrounding a lack of public consultation/ engagement regarding the regulations.
Councillor Golden requested a meeting with Parks Canada surrounding the National Marine Conservation Areas General Regulations.
8. The Meeting Place (Information)
Re: E-Bike Rental Coming to the Northern Bruce – Summer 2024
Discussion ensued surrounding the liability of the Municipality surrounding the E-Bike Rentals.
Council requested legal opinion surrounding the exposure of the Municipality.
9. Nuclear Innovation Institute (Information)
Re: April Newsletter
10. Rick Byers, MPP (Information)
Re: Ontario Investing in Local Transit System
11. Rick Byers, MPP (Information)
Re: Ontario Investing in Local Emergency Preparedness and Response
12. Rick Byers, MPP (Information)
Re: Ontario Building New and Upgraded Sports and Recreation Facilities
13. Resolution – Township of Brudenell, Lundoch and Raglan (Information)
Re: Amenity Sharing Memorandum of Understanding with School Boards
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That the correspondence items #1-13 and #18 be received as information as printed and circulated.
14. Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) (Direction)
Re: 2024 AMO Delegation Form
Discussion ensued regarding potential delegation items.
Staff were directed to contact the Ministry of Natural Resources surrounding the bear issues within the Municipality for a possible presentation to Council.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council direct staff to submit delegation requests for the arena and water projects to the appropriate ministers.
15. Stephanie Ironmonger (Direction)
Re: Parking issue at Bruce Peninsula District School
16. Jenna Mast (Direction)
Re: Parking issue at Bruce Peninsula District School
17. Charlotte Chinn (Direction)
Re: Parking issue at Bruce Peninsula District School
Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Carol Hopkins, provided an overview surrounding the parking issues at Bruce Peninsula District School. It was noted that a complaint was received surrounding the parking during school pick ups and drop offs on Moore Street. It was further noted that parking spaces were reduced following the installation of the new sidewalks in 2023.
Discussion ensued surrounding potential methods to facilitate parking for school pick ups and drop offs on Moore Street.
Council noted that staff will determine the best course of action surrounding the parking issues at the school.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson, Seconded by Councillor Todd Dowd
That Council directs staff to work on parking issues at Bruce Peninsula District School, pertaining to correspondence items #15-17.
18. Kelly Day (Direction)
Re: Request for a crossing guard
Discussion ensued regarding a request for a crossing guard at Bruce Peninsula District School.
Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Carol Hopkins, provided an overview of the site.
Council directed staff to remain status quo at the site.
Reading of By-laws
By-law 2024-29
Being a By-law to Authorize a Software Licence Agreement between Park Pass Inc. and the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
By-law 2024-31
Being A By-law to Appoint the Community Member to the Grey Bruce Detachment Joint Board
By-law 2024-33
Being a By-law to Authorize an Agreement with Golden Dawn Seniors Home for the Provision of Shuttle Services Within the Village of Lion’s Head
By-law 2024-34
A by-law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act
By-law 2024-35
A by-law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act
By-law 2024-38
Being a By-law to Authorize an Agreement with Parks Canada for the Collection of Parking Fees on Chi sin tib dek Road
By-law 2024-39
Being a By-law to Authorize an Agreement with Parks Canada for the Sale of Daily Family/Group Entry Permits to Bruce Peninsula National Park at Little Cove Road
By-law 2024-37
Being a By-law to Appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and Property Standards Officers for the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
By-law 2024-44
Being A By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Special Council Meeting of The Corporation of The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula Held Monday, May 13, 2024.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Aman Sohrab
That the listed by-laws be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reading, and enacted.
Closed Session
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That Council move into closed meeting at 3:24 p.m. pursuant to Section 239 (2) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following reasons: (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board members; (Personnel – Committee/Licensing Coordinator) and (Personnel – Fire Department)
Reconvene from Closed Session to Resume Council Meeting
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Councillor Laurie (Smokey) Golden
That Council reconvenes from Closed Session at 4:42 p.m. and resumes the Council meeting.
Following Closed Session, Mayor McIver advised that Council approved the closed session minutes of April 8, 2024 and Council provided direction the CAO regarding the human resources issues.
We are attempting to make every document accessible but there may still be difficulty in recognizing all the information. Please contact the Accessibility Coordinator if you require assistance and we will make every attempt to provide this information in an alternate format.
Moved by Councillor Todd Dowd, Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rod Anderson
That the meeting adjourns at 4:41 p.m.