Letter: To Park Or Not To Park?

Photo: No parking along the south side of Little Tub Harbour.

More Parking Needed, Not Less

Our summer season is almost upon us, preparations are made to handle the influx of visitors. 7 years ago paid parking was implemented to raise funds for a large parking lot to handle all the new visitors. 

Since then several million has been raised, but we have seen no increase in parking spaces for Tobermory. Not only no increase, but a slow and steady reduction in parking spaces has occurred.

First a few were taken from the boat launch. Then a few more. Then they eliminated parking on the south side of the harbour. Now with the removal of Peacock’s Foodland from downtown, all of the parking in front has been removed.

All of this with zero consultation with the organization representing the businesses that rely on that parking, and the organization responsible for tourism – the local Chamber of Commerce. We do actually have a municipal representative on the board of the chamber, but one does wonder what the point of that is when the clear wishes of the chamber are not relayed in a meaningful manner to council. Emails and letters are sent, usually ignored. Delegations are sent, listened to, but not.

We were quite specific at the board meeting that if they were not keeping the parking where Peacock’s was, they should at least replace it with restoring parking at the head of the harbour or the south side.

Photo: Parking spots removed at the head of Little Tub Harbour.

While I’m at it, there is a perfectly good spot at the northeast corner of the Crowsnest with a big X in the middle of it. There is also a no parking spot directly in front of Peninsula Ice Cream, plus the now no longer used “loading zone” in front of the old G&S dive shop. 

Consultation between staff, council, the chamber, and local businesses would not have been too difficult. Perhaps on your next tour of the harbour with council you would consider actually consulting with the businesses that operate there?

Finally, some person saw fit to put in movable speed bumps beside the boat launch. At night this area is unlit, and a significant safety hazard for pedestrians, so please, use a touch of common sense, either make the area very well lit so people can see them, or remove them. Many have been injured, it is only a matter of time before there is a lawsuit.

Photo: Speed bumps beside the boat launch in Little Tub Harbour.

Did I mention the dinky toy one way arrows drivers don’t notice? Mentioned to council reps many times, daily wrong way traffic in a tourist pedestrian friendly area? Maybe another letter…enough for now.

Kent Wilkens, 

Peninsula Ice Cream

Golden Gallery Tobermory 

Secretary, Tobermory Chamber of Commerce