Submitted by Janice Sim
Our third and final Bonspiel of the season was played on February 10, 2024. The day got off to a good start at 8am with coffee and muffins. Our President, George Hambleton welcomed the sold out crowd and outlined the events for the day.
This bonspiel was generously sponsored by Ashley Jackson/RE/MAX Grey Bruce Realty. They did an exceptional job of making the day a huge success and we very much appreciate their support of our curling club.
The winning team, after 8 ends of curling, was Ross Cochrane, Joanne Lamport, Arran de Malmanche, skipped by Lindsay de Malmanche.
Our fund raising activity – the infamous glass turkey – was won by Betty Hastings this time. There were prizes for all participants, so with the Rotary Club manning the bar, the ever-helpful arena staff, good food, good friends and a full day of curling – who could ask for anything more!
Draw Four
Draw 4 ended March 11 and was won by Chris Mawdsley’s team. Skipped by Chris, Vice Pete Hart, Second Katherine McCormack and Lead Brad Inglis.
This draw was sponsored by Rachel’s Restaurant and the winning team received gift certificates for some fine dining! Thank you, Rachel’s!
This marks the end of our 2023-24 curling season. Many thanks to all participants and we look forward to seeing all of you in the fall.
Lion’s Head Curling Club Holds AGM
Our President reported on a successful year, three sold out bonspiels and four draws with the second draw having an afternoon group as well as the evening curlers. It looks like we will have enough funds to finish replacing the final three sets of stones so that next fall all five curling sheets will be as nice as the two we had done last year. This is a major accomplishment for our club and will improve the appeal and accuracy of our curling.
Our election of officers resulted in mostly sustaining the present contingent. George Hambleton is President, Claudio D’Arcangelo is Treasurer, Susan McLachlan, Secretary, Betty Hastings, Draw Master, Janice Sim, Vice Draw Master, Lindsay de Malmanche, Bonspiel Coordinator. Brenda Nelson was voted in as Vice President and Susan Avis will be 2nd Vice President.
A secret ballot vote was held for the Most Improved and Most Sportsperson-Like curlers. Most Improved was a tie vote for Paul Hubacheck and Laura Stevenson and Most Sportsperson-Like was won again for the third year by Susan McLachlan. Well deserved awards.
Visit from BPDS Students
On the morning of March 4, 15 students from Bruce Peninsula District School (BPDS) came to the arena for some curling instruction as part of their phys ed class. Our volunteers provided some tips on how to throw rocks, how to sweep and how to read signals from the skip.
After some practice they played a couple of ends and had a great time. It was good exercise and hopefully we have created some interest in curling for these young folks.