Peninsula Past: St Edmunds Public School 35 Years Ago

Photo: 1989/90 St Edmunds Public School students. Back Row L-R: Archie Watson, Nathan Handley, Adam Bowie, Shawn Juffs, Noelle Keeling, Angie McArthur, Melissa Maxwell, Tara Harpur, Peggy Maxwell, Lisa Johnstone, Deven Latchford, Brandon Golden, Chris MacLeod. Fourth Row: James Valad, Jeffrey Johnstone, Cavan Harpur, Danny Hindman, Vanessa Hooey, Amanda Craigie, Matthew Eckenswiller, Tracey Hammond, Jeritt Raney, Mindy Munn, Matthew Shaw, Tyler Keeling. Third Row: Leah Wyonch, Jamie Gundon, Nathan Peacock, Sarah Evans, Meghan Whyte, Krista Marshall, Angela Maxwell, Matthew Watson, Justin Handley, Vicky Latchford, Codey Watson, Tommy McAfee, Jeffrey Munn, Dustin Dale. Second Row: Brian Suke, Sandy Craigie, Alison Wyonch, Pamela Smith, Kerri Watson, Jon Valad, Katie-Rose Evans, Ryan Valad, Kirby Holmes, Kevin Rintoul, Christopher Johnstone, John Johnstone, Shannon Storm, Brydie Kolohon, Tyler McArthur. Front Row: Caroline Bowie, Jennifer Marshall, Corey McFarlane, Amy Nadjiwon-Tobey, Jennifer Suke, Margie Wilkes, Melissa Dale, Warren Hofstrand, Andrew Bowie, Jacob Galasso, Patricia Rintoul, Blair Holmes, Debbie Eckenswiller, Laura Thompson, Jami MacLeod, Michael Mackey, Gregory Adams. Teachers: Jim Oliver, Gayle Campbell, Gini Hansraj, Louise Johnstone, Wanda Thompson. Missing from photo: Laura Campbell.
By Bruce Peninsula Press staff

35 years ago there were 72 students attending St Edmunds Public school in Tobermory. The school, at that time, was located where the Tobermory Community Centre tennis courts and playground now sit – at Schoolbell Park. Students from kindergarden to grade 6 attended the school.

The March 1990 issue of the Tobermory Press showed students touring the new school located on Centennial Drive, which opened on March 19th, 1990. 

Currently there are 16 students attending St Edmunds Public School.