Keep the Bruce Clean & Green Donates to Local Schools
Submitted by Keep the Bruce Clean & Green
Keep The Bruce Clean & Green (KTBC&G) recently donated $500 to the North Bruce Peninsula Public Schools. The funds were collected from the KTBC&G returnable beer/wine cans and bottles donated this season.
$100 was presented to St. Edmund’s Public School in Tobermory and $200 to Bruce Peninsula District School in Lion’s Head for the purchase of ecological books that support the Keep the Bruce Clean & Green mandate.
Previously purchased books worth $200 were also donated. The book Not for me, please!: I choose to act green! was read to the students on the day of the presentation.
Little Litter Ambassadors
The 16 students fro, St Edmund’s Public School are “Little” Litter Ambassadors for Centennial Road and part of the Dunks Bay Road. They will do a yearly, Fall and Spring cleanup.
The students were equipped with ID cards (thanks to the Peninsula Bruce Trail Club), lanyards, trash grabbers and gloves.
We thank their teachers, M. Stewart and A. Quist for emphasizing to the students the importance of Keeping the Bruce Clean & Green.
Also, again this year $200 was given to the United Church for recyclable, carry out containers for their chicken BBQ dinners. In the Spring, please consider donating your returnable beer/wine cans and bottles to KEEP THE BRUCE CLEAN & GREEN. Your support makes great things happen!
Our drop off location on Cape Hurd Road closed October 9, 2023 for the season and will re-open again next spring.
More Litter Ambassadors are still needed! So, think about it during the winter. Do you walk a certain road or path? You don’t have to pick up litter every day, or even weekly – just whenever you feel like it. If the “Little” Litter Ambassadors can do it, so can we! Remember, a free t-shirt, gloves, bumper sticker and trash grabbers are available.
We are always open to new ideas and welcome people to join our team! Just email us at
Have a good winter and continue to KEEP THE BRUCE CLEAN & GREEN.