By Joanne Rodgers, Bruce Peninsula Press
Twenty five swimmers participated in the third annual 1 Mile swim event on 27 August 2023. The swimmers started from Sandy Beach at Black Creek Provincial Park, swimming to Old Woman Island and back, a total of 1.6 km or 1 mile.
Fifteen swimmers were repeat participants, saying they look forward to this yearly event. The swimmers described the water conditions as “nice and flat”, “good sightlines”, and “the best conditions of the three years”
Returning first to shore, clocking in at 25 mins and 21 seconds was Bruce Peninsula resident Sara Hsiao.
She was followed by seasonal cottager Jackie Madden of London, ON at 26 minutes and 03 seconds. Lily Barton came in third at 26 minutes and 18 seconds.
Each year the organizers Sahand Amiri and Teresa Nesci select a charity to support. This year they selected Safe n Sound Grey Bruce. Teresa says they selected this organization due to their work dealing with homelessness and harm reduction, providing meals and clothing and helping people get out of the cold.
The fundraising goal was set at $3,500, however they raised close to $4,000. They also collected donations of food, tarps and water bottles. They wish to thank the community and local businesses such as Scott’s Home Hardware, Hellyer’s Foodland and Peacock’s Foodland for their support and generosity.