Submitted by Noreen Steinacher
After 8 years of the old ‘weebly’ platform website, which served us well, The Meeting Place Tobermory has just launched a new website for a fresh approach to communication with our community. Same web address but now we have a new set of organization pages designed on the Word Press platform which makes it easy to update and receive your input. Check us out at www.tobermorymeetingplace.com and let us know what you think. It will take a while to get up to speed after the summer but hopefully with our facebook posts you will be linked to the website for more information, stories and photos.
A couple of updated features include a more streamlined on-line room booking feature which you will find under ‘Facility’ and then click on ‘Reservation and Booking’. It’s all there including TMP ‘view only’ calendar so you can see what dates, times and rooms are available, making it easy to fill out your request. I booked a date/time and room for TMP Board meetings in less than 4 minutes. You will receive an e-mail confirmation back from our community coordinator including any specific instructions. Much quicker than calling or e-mailing and we get to track the use of the building more efficiently. So if you are a not-for-profit group, business or resident who would like to use one of the four rooms available at TMP (all rooms are described and have photos) for your activity please go to the new website. Any applicable rental fees will be described but these generally apply to business groups or companies only.
Another feature is the Events page and we will try to include any community event poster or description if you send it in as well as events going on at TMP. One of the other new features is our ‘TMP Comments on Community’. This is an open space where members of the community, partners in services and TMP staff and board are invited to submit an article or blog on timely and relevant issues for our community. Look for current content under ‘Community’ in the near future.
TMP Seasonal programs will be highlighted so this fall the Sharing Dance Seniors program is back starting Friday, November 1st at 10:30am; the mini Gym is ready for fall workouts with 6 pieces of fitness equipment for use on your own schedule. If you have not signed up for the roster you can do so by contacting meetingplace@amtelecom.net and getting more information. No cost for this fitness program. There’s more on but its quicker to go to the website.
To wrap up this early fall article, the gardeners at Community Gardens invited the kids at Primary Place Day Care to visit the gardens on August 29th and help harvest and do some special activities. This year it was all about watermelons and sunflowers. It’s a real joy to see the young children of our community so enthused about growing food and preparing and eating what they pick (see photo). Thanks to community gardeners Grace, Jacqui and Rod. Coordinating this visit with the staff at Primary Place reminds me what an important community service organization we have in the Primary Place Day Care Centre. The children’s experiences at Primary Place set them on a positive track for learning and social and emotional growth. It’s a must have for every community that cares about families and children.